I purchased this game a few days ago and have not been able to play more then 5 mins of it since I got it. The issue is that the screen goes black (I can still hear audio) and it never recovers, causing me to restart my computer since I cant get back to the desktop. Here is what I have tried to do to resolve this. I installed new hard drive then installed win7 32bit with all drivers NOTHING ELSE but the game and drivers. Still have same issue. I then try this with a clean install of win7 64bit and have the same issue. I then enabled and disabled hardware components (sound, usb devices, video) and still have the same problems. I have disabled SLI and gone so far as to pull the 2nd card out of the machine. I have used the config tool from the forums website to lower my graphics quality to the lowest settings possible.
So now what should I try?