Another instance where Skyrim just amazes me. Similar to my "Fun at the College" thread, I am escorting Esbern back from Riften. I actually succeeded in my intimidation check at Valtheim Towers (first time for me) and headed on to the Whiterun Stormcloak camp. I sold some of my heavier stuff there, then played the camp a song or two. I was on my second day (about noon-ish) without sleep, so I curled up in one of the haypiles at the camp.
Waking up bright up and early (about 5:30AM), and refreshed, Esbern and I start out to Riverwood again. As we come around the curve by the Ritual Stone, I see 2 Giant Frostspiders duking it out. Since I still have my "Voice of the Sky" active, I just watch. Also, a Brown Bear is meandering about nearby.
Then I hear a roar. I see this HUGE shadow pass by. An Ancient Dragon decides to have some fun. So, I have a bear, a giant frostbite spider, the guy from the stone comes to check us out after the dragon "notices" him, and even some Stormcloak soldiers jump into the fray.
4 reloads later (lost my "Voice of the Sky" benefit twice, and hit a soldier with a shout once), I am victorious! Gods I love when the game does this!
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