TESA's Second Annual Halloween Modding Challenge
Hail and Fair Greetings, BGS Forum-ites! :wave:
Every year around this time folks start to ask if there's a Halloween mod coming out for this year, so I thought I'd get a jump on the inquiries by announcing "YES" there will be!
Some of you may remember last year's challenge: http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/190-v120-the-oubliette-tesas-2009-halloween-challenge/. Well we're at it again, the members and staff of TESA are competing in a horrific modding challenge to create the best scare in an Oblivion dungeon interior and this year we will be raising the bar!! Each challenger will be adding a unique scare filled level to our collective horror themed project titled:
Darkness Hollows
The finished project in all its blood curdling goodness...er evilness will be made available on October 31st for download!
Now comes the fun part, once you've played, YOU the players will decide which level gave the best overall scare! After we release Darkness Hollows, we will open polls here and on TESA to collect votes for favorite scares and tally them up to announce the winner! :celebration:
The Challengers
- John
- nottlong
- Mishaxhi
- the-manta
- WhoGuru
- DsoS
- Yevic
- JulianSull
- Da Mage
- donnato
- Arion
- SomeWelshGuy
- Mannimagnus
- PacificMorrowind
- Vouivre
- Arthmoor
- Kroot9525
- WillieSea
The Tech Team
- DarkRider
- Windmill Tilter
- lilith
- StarX
- InsanitySorrow
Interested in participating?
Registration for this year's competition is now closed, thanks to all those who have signed on! For more information on the project please visit our challenge thread: http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/3108-halloween-challenge-2010-darkness-hollows/
Good Luck to the Challengers, and I hope you will all download and vote for the winner of Best Scare! ^_^