Another map complaint

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:38 am

In just about every other game in the last 20 some years, you can move around a map and go to parts you have already visited. Usually places you haven't been to yet don't show up until you go there, but once you have --- you can scroll the map to areas where you have already been.

Not in F4.

You are limited to seeing just a smallish area around your present location and cannot scroll to an area of a city / town where you have already been.

This makes it virtually impossible to get an overall view of a city / town because all you can ever see at one time is a small portion of the map.


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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:13 pm

I don't know what you're talking about, you can move your cursor to anywhere on the map...or are you in the local map view?

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:20 pm

You seem to be stuck in the 'Local Map'. On PS4 I think it's 'square' to switch between World and Local... Should give you what you need! :)

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:52 pm

I am guessing this is probably your problem lol. On xbox its X to switch to world map.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:43 pm

The derp is strong with this one lol

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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:33 pm

Correct, I was referring to the Local Map.

And in the map mode you CANNOT go to any other section of the town.

You can only view the small area around your present location.

Most other games, once you have been to a part of town you can scroll the LOCAL MAP to that section of town without going there. But not in F4 --- you can only see a small area around your present location.

The World Map does not help this problem.

I wish they would either fix or Mod this so we could move the cursor to areas where we have already been in order to get a sense of where we are in the overall scene.

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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:22 pm

Nothing to fix.

Map works perfectly well.

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kevin ball
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:23 pm

i know exactly what he means, and so will u if you go to a large dungeon style area

i admit there's a couple valid complaints with the local map as i've experienced these irritations as well

1) i'm not sure what they were thinking giving this x-ray frame view look to the local map but it's extremely cluttered and difficult to see with the monochrome graphics of the pip boy, i'd much prefer a more simple map like they had in previous games

2) if you're travelling through one of these areas of remotely decent size, you can't use the map to scroll over the whole 'dungeon' area, it'll only to scroll around in a very limited radius of your current position, i believe i got a little lost in an area like this and wanted to see where the exits/entrance was and i was in an area where i could go in two different directions so i literally just had to 'feel/guess' my way out of there because of this (which i believe is the main complaint of OP)

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:09 pm

Ah, I see your point now. To be honest, I - and I think almost everyone else that plays Bethesda RPGs - finds the local map pointless beyond belief anyway! You can very rarely get any usefull information from it...

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:27 pm

LOL that is a design choice but what the hell are you doing using Local map, at the this point local map is more like a flavor stuff that nothing else.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:49 pm

Yep. Couldn't agree more. Local map is garbage and utterly unhelpful. Especially when you're in a dungeon with multiple levels to go through.

At most, it's good for knowing the general direction of where a door is, but that's it.

An awful design choice at that, and it's really not an excuse. It's a map. It should be there for solely to help the player navigate, not to look at how much work they put in it to look pretty.

If a map is not doing it's job, that's bad design.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:09 am

is been like that since Morrowind, the map just show what the player can see. Isnt awfull is just a design choice. U can like it or no, i have see worst maps that this.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:29 pm

Why is that a reason to still retain awful design? Plenty of awfully designed aspects from Morrowind were improved upon when Oblivion released. Improve that aspect and make it actually useful here.

And I still don't know why you keep repeating yourself with it being just a design choice. Again, doesn't excuse it from being an awful one that makes the choice they're making with that specific design useless. Something such as the map for an open world game shouldn't strive to fit some sort of flavor criteria. It should be a utility the player can use to guide themselves. Because that is why we created maps.

Having seen worse maps doesn't really make this one sound any better.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:07 pm

the thing is i dont think is a awful design bc force the player to explore a dungeons or a building when u enter, Most other map where the interior are fully detail u will know if there is a hiding roon or a secret passage, that is something i never know on a Bethesda game. That they force me to explore is something i really like about the local map.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:03 am

So why should someone that wants to use the map be forced to be lost then? If you don't want to use the map, don't use it. If someone wants to use a map that should be an option available to them and as such there should be a well-designed map. Even more so there have been plenty of maps done in games such as metroidvania games where secret passages are not shown until actually discovered by the player. And, well, you can also just not use the map if you want to explore on your own terms.

They already have a perk available like V.A.N.S. that basically holds the player's hand on where to go, why not go a step further and make a proper map for those who want it?

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:50 pm

Ok, I see what OP was saying now and can understand the complaint. The local map should show more than it does, especially inside buildings (dungeons) where it's easy to get turned around. When inside buildings, the local map should grow as you explore, like how the world map grows as you explore the world in a civilization game. The local map should, once you've explored the entire dungeon, show the entire dungeon map, even if it requires a bit of panning around. It should also show all the levels with a simple key stroke. As example, when you open the map it will default to the level you are on but if you want to look at the level above you, simply press Page Up and it will show the explored areas of the level above you. Likewise, Page Down will show explored areas of the level below you and of course, you can press Page Up or Page Down multiple times to cycle through all the levels of a particular building and the Home key would return the local map to the level you are currently on.

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