Hi there, I tried not to make this post, I looked up in the forum (just the first page, wont lie) about difficulty, I googled it and still can't find a way around my problem. I recently bought Morrowind (full edition, don't know the name), I remember playing it at a friend's house when I was a kid, but my first ES was Skyrim, the only one I played till now. So when I started Morrowind I thought that everything was going to be ok.... well after dying misserably time and time again I figured out that this thing is beyond my grasp so I came here running like a scared little girl looking for some advice.
Now without further comments, into the point. My main problems are:
1-No instakill -> hard to make assassin/marksman gameplay.
2-Talking about marksman... I can't land an arrow and I'm sure it's not my aim.
3-When I went berserk and made a meele character, was fun with the first two bandits, then I couldn't hit anyone else, I think I keep missing again and again.... and AGAIN.
4-I can only beat naked bandits with butterknifes, anything else I encounter wrecks me into pieces. I don't want to be god, but at least be able to resist a hit so I can try to run away?
Well that's about it. I have no problems with finding quests, or with other stuff, my only real problem is combat, I can't understand it, any tips on how combat works, specially on HOW TO AVOID MISSING, is there sneak attack in this game, does it work with ranged weapons (cause that sneak is not working well for me, at skyrim I knew I couldn't approach too much to the target, in Morrowind I just can't have the guy in my screen cause he detects me)?
Btw, is there a way to become ordinator or to be in a tribunal related faction?
And let me be clear, I love this game, but combat wont make me enjoy the story since I get slaughtered by everyone but crabs... and butterknife naked bandits.