Another PPA Question!

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:55 pm

Hello everyone, so im just a bit confused with ALL the Powered Power Armor modifications. First off, the power sources are a bit confusing, I just recently got a set of Onyx Enclave Armor and Im not sure what the pros and cons of the different power sources are, I have an Ultra Capacitor conversion kit which allows you to either charge your suite with the Robco Recharger, or to use Ultracapacitors, but I also have the Mark IV Microfusion pack wich converts it to a Nuclear charge with no need for recharging, Obviously the choice would be to go with the one that doesnt need recharging right? Or is there somthing about the Ultracapacitors im missing?

Also, what are the Nitro cooling packs used for and how do you use them? I would figure theyre used to keep temps from getting too high but I dont know how..

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Bereket Fekadu
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