A good friend of mine has started dating a girl. She just turned 16 he's turning 21...they've been dating for about a month now. Anyways, he's decided to throw away his passion for music after dedicating many years with his band (who were first close friends from highschool) in search of an ordinary job.
He doesn't know what he wants to do, he simply knows that the career choice of being in a hardcoe band is not going to bring in enough money to support his potential family. (Which I mostly agree with..its a small niche to fill) He also knows that hes only willing to spend a years worth of schooling as hes wasted too much time as it is. (That I do not agree with at all)
So anyways, this week hes told his band that hes quit and has stopped returning their text messages. For the past month though, he stopped hanging out with them outside of band practice and hes even skipped a few of those to see his girl friend.
Before this girl friend, he was dating another for about two years. After a year and half he started saying the same things about his career choices...though he never acted on it.
Anyways, one of his band mates phoned me and they're worried they're never gonna see the guy again. They want to sit him down and tell him to either break it off, or get his priorities in check. They want me to be there because he values my opinion a lot as i'm a really close friend, as are they.
I think know what i'm going to say, but I carry a lot of biases because i've known all of these guys for a long time.
Thats where outside opinions come in.
Do you think hes making the right decisions? Do they have the right to tell him to break up with his girlfriend of 1 month? Discuss!