Another thread about, your favorite(s) mod(s)

Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:26 pm

I know, there is already been thread like that in the past, but its alway good, one time each 3-4 month to talk about mod that enhanced your oblivion experience. You can talk about popular mod, or just small mod that we never heard (this thread is a good way to make small mod know by other), item pack and almost anything. When posting, please, just leave a little feedback about the mod, what you liked, if you know any issue with it, or any incompatibility issue with important mod, and also, let us know if there is anything you find that could imbalance the game.
Just one rull: Try to don't talk about advlt mod, remember there are still kid on this forum.

If you want, you can also talk about more than just a single mod, or few mod, and talk about a full build that you find stable and very enjoying.
If you want, you can also rate mod.

So i will start off, by talking about mod that make me enjoy a little more my game:

First, lets talk about a mod, that im sure a lot of people already heard here: Frost crag reborn.

I will right away start with what i don't like about this mod, since i know exaclty what i have to say, contrary to what i like, i have to think how i will explain it: i found it a little disbalancing... when you install it, it give you access right away to some powerful weapon in some chest, but if you want, just do like me, and don't touch it. The other thing i also find not so balanced is the armory: it give you a bonus near the anvil, for me, its ok: you are in your home... so why not? but the thing i don't like is the fact it also give you the hammer when you use it...

Now what i like: everything else... the house is now more than just a normal tower. Big library, labeled chest in your bed room(finally, i know how to organise my stuff) feature i alway wanted: when you enter the tower first time, and read the book, the big door open... i alway wanted to close it, finally, i can do it. The waterfall is more than a simple waterfall.... i saw something special happen in that waterfall... when you climb the stair, the water move to don't make you wet. There is even a a keeper, who offer some service. There is also a big quest under this tower... i found the idea of the big stair funny. Im sure when he made the mod and wrote in the description it has the second longest stair in all video game world, this was a smile at super mario 64... with the infinite stair until we have enough star. Finally, we have display case for our item. So many thing to say about this mod.

Rate: 8/10 : like i said, few thing that imbalance this mod, like the free weapon, and the free repair hamer. Except that, this mod is a jewel.

All +5 Attribute Modifiers

If you are like me, and use the vanilla system the time you wait for the next release of oblivion XP, or just because you like the way it work, then this is a must. It remove all the pain about the micromanagement and the skill grinding you have to do to get all your +5 for your attribute when you level up.

Quest Award Leveller

Like All +5 Attribute modifiers, its a must. I don't have anymore the need of doing skill grinding to get to level 30, before doing any quest in the game. Combined with All +5 Attribute modifiers, i can play the game normally, and do whatever i want, withou having consequence later, because i did'nt get +5 in an attribute, or i got the reward for level 1 character.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:28 pm

I will right away start with what i don't like about this mod, since i know exaclty what i have to say, contrary to what i like, i have to think how i will explain it: i found it a little disbalancing... when you install it, it give you access right away to some powerful weapon in some chest, but if you want, just do like me, and don't touch it. The other thing i also find not so balanced is the armory: it give you a bonus near the anvil, for me, its ok: you are in your home... so why not? but the thing i don't like is the fact it also give you the hammer when you use it...

You might consider using SM's Plugin Refurbish - - which will delay your access to Frostcrag until you're more powerful.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:41 pm

You might consider using SM's Plugin Refurbish - - which will delay your access to Frostcrag until you're more powerful.

It is not compatible with Frostcrag Reborn due to mismatched formIDs: the script in the refurbish plugin has to overwrite the main frostcrag quest script, but in doing so uses references which have been changed in the reborn version, end result, a complete mess, and some of the upgrades you buy won't show up.
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CSar L
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:27 pm

even if deleyed, we still get it item for free...
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:30 am

Oh man. I love so many mods that it'll be hard to pick a couple. Here goes!
Once you become master of the Thieves' Guild, this adds another HQ and a whole new questline which I found very well done and engaging. My only complaint is that i disliked the location and such of the new hideout and thought it could've been placed someplace less conspicuous. The questline itself is a lot of fun and it tacked many more hours onto my thief character.
A house mod that I really like. This is by far one of the nicer homes I've downloaded. Includes enchanting and spellmaking altars, so if you don't like that, it could be a downside. But overall, the home is beautiful.
One that I never play without. A simple spell which, when cast, stunts your magicka regen, but gathers all the alchemy regs in a certain radius. Each upgrade of the spell gathers from a larger radius. Makes gathering herbs for alchemy so much less tedious.
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April D. F
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:04 am

It is not compatible with Frostcrag Reborn due to mismatched formIDs: the script in the refurbish plugin has to overwrite the main frostcrag quest script, but in doing so uses references which have been changed in the reborn version, end result, a complete mess, and some of the upgrades you buy won't show up.

Hmm...good to know. After someone told me they were compatible I didn't actually investigate further. In looking at the scripts seems like it would be relatively easy to merge similar delayer functionality directly into the script in the Frostcrag Reborn script. It looks like there's actually something there tied to one of the Mage Guild quests already, just commented out.
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Captian Caveman
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