So here I am stuck, and can't continue because, I can't choose what race to play. I was going to be an Altmer, but I am always an Altmer because I get the Most Magika 2X if I am not mistaken. Going by memory right now. I am not sure if I want to be an Argonian or not. I will be using the Atronach sign (thanks for everyone helping me decide to use that in my other post) so no I am puzzled what race to pick. I remember playing a Breton with the Atronach sing and around level 15 or 20, the game became way to easy, and I ended up quitting and starting a new character so I don't think I will be using a Breton this time.
I tried an Imperial for the "Jedi Mind trick" as I call it, I believe it's their special power and while I found it fun for a while, I can't remember why I stopped playing him. I loved playing Dunmer in Morrowind but they looks so horrible and childish in Oblivion I don't know if I want to play them or not. I remember trying them once, and found the magic feeling of a Dunmer wasn't there and scrapped them. Maybe I am not seeing someting here and someone can explain why they are so great.
So I am torn between Altmer, most magika I can have, or Argonian, (like them but not really much places to swim and enjoy the waterbreathing ability, also once you do the fishing quest, this ability becomes moot then, but I do like the looks of them). I do have an inklin for Dunmer because of Morrowind days.
So what I want is a character with lots of magika. Once the magika is gone he has to rely on his other skills of Blade or his fists/claws. I will also like to use the bow and be able to sneak around when combat would over whelm me and would try other ways to get around it if I can't win the battle then. I am also going to use as my main skills, one of each Attribute.
I would take Enduarnce and Luck and when ever I level up I would always put one point to luck and then I would take the lowest X# multiplier. I used to do the 5X but hated it after level 10 I started over again so always try to take 1X or 2X when possible.
Then I would take
Intelligence: Mysticism, since I plan on using Alchemy and Conjuration alot don't want to level up to fast like I did before.
Willpower:Destruction since I am sure I will be using Restoration and Feather alot, again not to level up to fast.
Personality:Illusion since I want to try Jedi mind tricks and I wouldn't be leveling up too much with this, but not sure so maybe I should take another skill in Personality???
Agility:Marksman since I will be sneaking alot, and don't care for security much, but will train myself in security to get better eventually.
Speed:Light Armour becaues I hardly ever walk, I run everywhere and don't want to level up alot, and will be a Jumping Bean so I can get Athletics up high so I can dodge and Water Jump eventually. Never did Water Jump before so want to try it out, but don't want to level up fast so these have to be minor skills.
Strenght:Blunt because I will be using Blade alot, but thinking in past games I didn't level up so fast with this, so maybe Blade should be a primary skill. What you think?
Endurance:Armourer since I will be blocking alot and don't want to level up so fast. Since I have light Armour, I don't think Heavy Armour would be a good choice.
Luck:Just to make it look complete.

So with this, what race do you think would be best for me to play? I am looking forward to your comments.