Anti-Cheat Online?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 am

Hey hey,

one question: Is a anticheat-Prog. online? Yes? i fell nothing of this....
On the DE 4Netplayer-Server lots of cheater and Hacker online and by other server too. Multigame make not realy fun by this guys.

The most Hacks and Cheats are:
Speedhacks,Unlimited Energy/Ammo, See always your name, and many more...

The Biggest Hacker and cheater we can see in the Top of best the first 94 places in the list not realy "very good Players" 300000/100 lol?
when an anti-cheat program goes online, it would be sensible to set list and all statts take back to zero(i have used googlefish my english is to terrible^^)
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:21 pm

Hey hey,

one question: Is a anticheat-Prog. online? Yes? i fell nothing of this....
On the DE 4Netplayer-Server lots of cheater and Hacker online and by other server too. Multigame make not realy fun by this guys.

The most Hacks and Cheats are:
Speedhacks,Unlimited Energy/Ammo, See always your name, and many more...

The Biggest Hacker and cheater we can see in the Top of best the first 94 places in the list not realy "very good Players" 300000/100 lol?
when an anti-cheat program goes online, it would be sensible to set list and all statts take back to zero(i have used googlefish my english is to terrible^^)

they claimed it will be working better everytime but so far is see more and more cheaters so i dont know tbh i dont care anymore im done trying getting information we wont get any.
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:44 am

You got 2 options for MP:

1: cheat
2: don't play

Chose yours. In the past weeks I had at least two cheaters on every server. I guess that there are even more out there, but its hard to notice if they don't make it too obvious. This game has the most frustrating MP I have ever played...
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Becky Cox
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:57 pm

I love when you call them out, and they say they are not, and try to defend themselves. kill cams always show the truth. firing at you while cloacked. Running from one side of the map to the other with out a single recharge. level 50 with only 1 hour of game play. And still they deny. Crytek needs to get bite the bullet and put punkbuster in. It won't get rid of all the hacks, But it will help.
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matt white
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:58 am

What servers do you guys play on? I've only seen 2/3 hackers in all the games i've played since i bought the game when 1.2 patch was released and i use the 'quick game' option which means i get whatever is given to me, including the server which apparently has a bad reputation....

Don't know about you but im on a semi-decent kd of 1.53 (and increasing, was 1.48 a few days ago) without hacks and using only a £5 unbranded keyboard and optic mouse, if i see an obvious hacker ie. 100% headshots or never uncloaksm i just leave and join a new server.

The people with small hacks that help aim or make you more visible to them, who are harder to know for sure if they are hacking or maybe just really good (i've seen quite a few genuinley good players accused by noobs), i just deal with and get on with the match...
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:27 am


we had only two cheaters (1 speed and 1 energy hack) in the last 14 days on our server.. Bye and ban..

so happy with my regular players on the server..
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:03 pm

I didn't see any hacker in my current favorite server.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 am

I do see some , not the obvious ones but sometimes it seems a bit weird seeing guys tracking you when u just spawned across the map and put your cloak on 3 times in a row. Although I personally have been banned from a server yesterday not sure why but it was right after someone called an orbital strike and everyone lagged out maybe they took the lag out on me "true power of administration" lol
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:27 am

I do see some , not the obvious ones but sometimes it seems a bit weird seeing guys tracking you when u just spawned across the map and put your cloak on 3 times in a row. Although I personally have been banned from a server yesterday not sure why but it was right after someone called an orbital strike and everyone lagged out maybe they took the lag out on me "true power of administration" lol
nothing to with a admin, Some servers are set to kick you if your ping jumps to 500. Rule of thumb start feeling lag, get ready to be kicked.

I play in alot of servers, And run into to alot of cheaters. Some people are to oblivious to know when they been cheated. Watch your killcams people!! Notice the guy shooting you is still cloaked. or he is running while cloaked with nano vision. And never has to recharge.
Know your guys limitations and you know your enemy. Time yourself while cloaked, While running, while standing still, while running nanovision. See how fast your energy runs down. And one more tip off is the recloak right after they shoot you. Every player is vulnerable for a few secs after firing on an enemy, there is no recloaking.
Wake up! know your game. It will make you a better player and help spot these less than legit players.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:33 pm

Totally agree with above although some minor hacks are harder to spot like bullet damage etc. Regardless I use stealth enhance, energy transfer, enhanced mobility along with feline with no extra modules attached for extra speed. Yet yesterday after I got kicked I was also banned not sure why although the kik probably came fromhigh ping but then who knows cous evwryone was lagging once the orbital hit the ground.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

I play a lot on 4netplayers Servers, usually EU servers because i dont want to fck up a game (high ping)
And yes there are still cheaters, hax. I do what inzane1 said, i watch my killcams often to check if someone cheats. And i saw a lot killcams because i am not the best player. But actually i love to play this game MP. If theres a cheater i write the Players Name down.
Before i join a server i look who`s in it, and check my list :o) I know this doesnt make sure there`s no cheater 100%...
You got 2 options for MP:
1: cheat
2: don't play
Chose yours. In the past weeks I had at least two cheaters on every server. I guess that there are even more out there, but its hard to notice if they don't make it too obvious. This game has the most frustrating MP I have ever played...
This sounds like there are most of the players cheating, and this is not true. the 3rd Option is the best: just play fair without any sh1t that helps you.
I never tried any cheat or something and i will not. I have no problem with loosing a game. I play for fun. I think if my Results always were 20-1 the game wont be interesting any more for me.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:08 am

You got 2 options for MP:
1: cheat
2: don't play
Chose yours. In the past weeks I had at least two cheaters on every server. I guess that there are even more out there, but its hard to notice if they don't make it too obvious. This game has the most frustrating MP I have ever played...
This sounds like there are most of the players cheating, and this is not true. the 3rd Option is the best: just play fair without any sh1t that helps you.
I never tried any cheat or something and i will not. I have no problem with loosing a game. I play for fun. I think if my Results always were 20-1 the game wont be interesting any more for me.

Well, "at least 2 on every server" doesn't mean that most people cheat, as there are up to 16 players on a server. There are guys, who snipe you on lighthouse across the map, although you are cloaked, which is an obvious cheat. But there are also smaller things, like people who run directly to you after you spawned and cloaked instantly. Or aimboters, I mean an aimbot that headshots you all the time is obvious and stupid, but there are also enough people who autoaim at your body.
It is just frustrating, when you find a cheater free server and after 30 minutes someone joins and plays suspicious and then you realize by watching the killcam over and over again that it is again a cheater. Cheats seem to be easy to write for this game as you can find them in many forums.

I'm angry because I paid for this game and what I get for it is being slaughtered by little kids with hacks...
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:14 pm


searching for a server without cheaters and hackers? ok i found one but 3 min for finish round join a player and make 25 kills in 2,5 min ....... i pay 60 euro for this game and now i ask me why?

Anticheat is a big thing what must from the beginn working all stats are for the a**.

Crysis is in the singlemode nice but i have need 6 hours for normal mode and 9 hours for the Hardmode because i buy it only for the Multigame and this is a sad day for day.
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