Here's my two Septims.
Warrior Anti-MagesIn theory, a strong warrior that could charge in and kill a mage with one or two blows, is pretty good. But the reality of it is, is that about half of all mages will go for a summon as their first spell, and then a shield afterwards (just from my gameplay experiences).
What's this mean? It means that your warrior will now have
two enemies to fight -- the summon, and the mage. The early-level summons tend to be scamps, but once you hit about level eight to ten, you'll get hammered by Atronachs and Dremoras. Higher levels, expect Xivilai, which can
also summon -- making
three enemies to fight.
So, your warrior will have to decide. Does he wail on the summon, destroy that, then defeat the mage? Because, the whole time you're fighting the summon, the mage will be blasting you with ranged spells -- at higher levels, expect paralyse maybe.
If so, if you go with a
tank anti-mage then you will need a metric cart load worth of health points. Armour is next to useless against magic, but as a tank, you don't have the liberty of moving around and evading spells. You'll need to make sure that you are capable of taking down summons quickly. I'd recommend keeping a
silver longsword handy, as you'll need it for taking down summons - which might be ghosts sometimes, ancestor ghosts at higher levels. Armour-wise, I'd go with
heavy armour and make sure that you're willing to stock up on potions - you'll need them.
Let's flip the coin though, and say that you are thinking of a
quickblade anti-mage -- yes, I just coined that!
Okay, so this means that you'll be looking at a warrior that gets in, and gets the job done, perhaps more in line with an assassin than anything else. Here, you'll want to
avoid the summon, and just go plunge your short-blade in old Merlin's heart. If you kill the mage, the summon dies too, so keep that in mind -- speed, is critical. Focus on getting alchemy up and running early, and go track down plenty of
silence ingredients. Silence is not just convenient, but
neccessary. If the mage can't cast spells, he can't heal, can't use spells against you and can't use shield. Armour-wise, stay light for speed, so go with
light armour and as for blade, choose the highest damage and highest speed -- make sure that your first strike is laced with silence.
Mage Anti-MageFight fire with fire, they say -- well, let's fight mage with mage. If you're going this route, then keep in mind that mages battles generally won't be over quickly, especially at higher levels. Both of you will come out strong with shields, and summons, with ranged spells while your summons duke it out. Rings and amulets that have reflect magicka will be good for inflicting damage, but if you don't have too much magicka laying around -- which is what most mages battles end up like -- I would recommend absorb magicka, to keep the fight going.
Here, you really don't have much choice. Armour is dead useless in my opinion, but if you want anything, use
light armour that has the absorb magicka on it. If you don't have a staff yet, then you'll need to have strong destruction ranged spells --
do not get in close. Keep your distance, keep moving, keep watching what your summon is doing. Use a magic-based shield
and a physical one, just in case the enemy summon gets in close.
Hope that helps!