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I've been trying a few mods lately and I recently noticed that my Anti-Materiel Rifle (GRA) and Assault Carbine (GRA)'s names changed to 'Broken Anti-Materiel Rifle+' and 'Broken Assault Carbine+', in the Pip-Boy, respectively.
Other changes for the above weapons include the game indicating the amount of ammunition they're using as zero, and having no need to reload at all. They can still hit and kill enemies, so I wondered why the game marked them as 'Broken'. The weapons are already at 100% condition and can't be repaired to a better condition anymore either by my character or NPCs that repair weapons.
My other weapons, including Gun Runner's Arsenal ones, like the Medicine Stick, and other non-GRA weapons work fine without any issues. I also tried adding an thru the console, but I get another 'Broken Anti-Materiel Rifle+'.
Screenshot of the Pip-Boy showing the 'Broken' weapons:
Screenshot of the 'Broken Anti-Materiel Rifle+' showing zero ammunition:
I already tried removing all my mods, and just left the vanilla game and all DLCs and then loaded my oldest savegame (I'm using CASM - an incremental auto/quicksave mod), only to find out that this issue persisted there.
I have the ff DLCs: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road. I have finished all of them (which is when I started playing around with mods that add more enemies and new quests). I use when I add or remove mods to create a Bashed Patch, but only to merge Leveled lists and FormID lists (I didn't merge patches).
Screenshot of installed mods thru Nexus Mod Manager:
My mod list (from BOSS' modlist.txt):
Edit: Move along, nothing to see here. After going all-Sherlock Holmes on this, it turns out that the mod,, is the culprit. The bug is known and will be fixed in the next version. All files of the mod must be removed (there is a .NAM and a .BSA file that can't be disabled by NMM or Wrye Flash). It must either be deleted manually or removed thru NMM (if installed thru NMM).
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