anti piracy mechanism for next crysis

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:48 am

I was wondering why not have permanent internet connection like Ubisoft Hawx 2 in order to prevent piracy on pc so that we pc users can get the best graphics and games on time. What are the drawbacks ?
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:59 am

because not everyone these days still has internet, while majority of us do, not "everyone" does, so its unfair, and also some of our isp's can have problems alot like mine, which means we have to wait to play when they fix there problem, its just to much of a hassle to play relying on the internet, when so many things can go wrong, im sure theres other problems, but none come to mind atm..
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Big mike
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:58 pm

because not everyone these days still has internet, while majority of us do, not "everyone" does, so its unfair, and also some of our isp's can have problems alot like mine, which means we have to wait to play when they fix there problem, its just to much of a hassle to play relying on the internet, when so many things can go wrong, im sure theres other problems, but none come to mind atm..

If you are buying video games and do not have internet, you have s*** priorities. also life isnt fair the'll get over it.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:07 am

Oh god please don't...Electronic Arts are already going on my nerves with there DRM which does nothing but annoy people who buy there games. I am not saying piracy is a good thing but at the end of the day if you can sometimes get a better user experience with a illegal copy of the game there is something very wrong here. Most DRM's hold for about a week or less and after that they are redundant.

Take Crysis 2 for example...I am already on my third activation with no changes made to the hardware or my operating system...something just bugged out after a EA Download manager patch or Crysis 2 patch and I might end up having to contact customer support if this keeps happening.

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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:44 pm

Oh god please don't...Electronic Arts are already going on my nerves with there DRM which does nothing but annoy people who buy there games. I am not saying piracy is a good thing but at the end of the day if you can sometimes get a better user experience with a illegal copy of the game there is something very wrong here. Most DRM's hold for about a week or less and after that they are redundant.

Take Crysis 2 for example...I am already on my third activation with no changes made to the hardware of my operating system...something just bugged out after a EA Download manager patch or Crysis 2 patch and I might end up having to contact customer support if this keeps happening.
Also correct on the matter
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Anna S
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:20 am

Ultimately it's crytek's fault to have crappy CD key check program.

I don't mind.. at all if the game requires constant internet connection to verify validity, if it's for MP only.

SP...they will be pirated anyways, so who cares..
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:42 pm

You can't stop piracy so give up but a CD check for MP should work like it has for every other game
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jessica breen
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:24 pm

No. This sort of invasive DRM only ends up harming the consumer rather than the pirate.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 pm

No. This sort of invasive DRM only ends up harming the consumer rather than the pirate.

EA would never have implemented this if the werent so many pirates. If people abuse something EVERYONE gets hammard for it. Sense there is no way to tell who is going to pirate they have no choice but to do this to everyone. EA should be the last people to blame for this.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:27 pm

No. This sort of invasive DRM only ends up harming the consumer rather than the pirate.

EA would never have implemented this if the werent so many pirates. If people abuse something EVERYONE gets hammard for it. Sense there is no way to tell who is going to pirate they have no choice but to do this to everyone. EA should be the last people to blame for this.

EA do not use this kind of DRM anyway. I don't know where you got that idea, this post was an "idea" for DRM despite the misleading title. I think the boxed copies of BFBC2 had unlimited activation SecuRom but they removed it from the digital versions. The most EA asks of you is to sign-in in order to play online, which is totally fair.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:59 am

I was wondering why not have permanent internet connection like Ubisoft Hawx 2 in order to prevent piracy on pc so that we pc users can get the best graphics and games on time. What are the drawbacks ?

All I want is realistic graphics and ultimate interactive worlds. I read a post by a crytek representative that pc market does not allow high budget games and hence have to share with consoles. Then I did a search and found around 200,000 copies of crysis 2 sold on PC and over 500,000 downloaded via torrent. Besides there are several million pc owners that have dx11 hardware. The market is there and I strongly suggest crytek to make games that have permanent internet connection (Hawx 2 has 0 pirated copies) and are sold at variable prices depending on the per ca-pita income of the selected country.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:25 am

First of all, DRM isn't used to prevent piracy, it's used to prevent Second Hand sales. How many game stores still accept second hand PC titles? How many of the titles they do accept are new? DRM prevents people from re-selling their game. Nothing more. Every game with DRM - EVERY GAME - is available to pirate as of this very second. Publishers know this.

As for equating downloads to copies not sold, contemplate this: if you pirate Crysis 2, you get it for free. A lot more people are going to download something if it's free, than it if it costs AU$100.00. They'll download it out of curiosity. People don't throw down $100.00 out of curiosity. Simple fact. You cannot equate the number of times Crysis 2 was downloaded as the number of copies not sold. Nice try, though.

As for adding an Online Requirement to Crysis 2, it will only drive up piracy and drive down sales. Forcing people to be online to play a single player game will never be acceptable. Ever. It doesn't prevent piracy. See: Assassin's Creed 2, Settlers 7, Starcraft II, World of Warcraft, SPORE, etc.

The best hope for Crysis 3 is for Crytek to realise that Crysis 2 was heavily flawed because they decided they wanted to make a FPS more akin to Call of Duty than Crysis. If they want to make Crysis 3 sell more copies, adding more requirements to the few customers they have left isn't going to make those people say "Wow, CRYSIS 3 is so much better than Crysis 2 because I can only play my game Online now!" It's going to make those people say "Pirate this game - it's not worth paying for it."
Making Crysis 3 unique and it's own game is the only thing that's going to sell it. Bigger, more open envrionments featuring far more tactical options. Better enemy A.I. and more variety of enemies. A single player story that actually goes somewhere, doesn't **** on the previous entires and actually leaves the player going "Sweet!" instead of "The hell?" And, lastly, a multiplayer component and where players have fun, and are not invisi-sniped by hackers who can't be banned. Oh, and don't release two $10.00 Map Packs within the first three months of release. Seriously.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:51 pm

I was wondering why not have permanent internet connection like Ubisoft Hawx 2 in order to prevent piracy on pc so that we pc users can get the best graphics and games on time. What are the drawbacks ?

All I want is realistic graphics and ultimate interactive worlds. I read a post by a crytek representative that pc market does not allow high budget games and hence have to share with consoles. Then I did a search and found around 200,000 copies of crysis 2 sold on PC and over 500,000 downloaded via torrent. Besides there are several million pc owners that have dx11 hardware. The market is there and I strongly suggest crytek to make games that have permanent internet connection (Hawx 2 has 0 pirated copies) and are sold at variable prices depending on the per ca-pita income of the selected country.

Please remember, any source for sales figures you find for PC (like on VGChartz etc) are only including brick and mortar stores, it will not include digital sales and even some online retailers like Amazon. Let's not forget that digital distribution is a massive part of the PC market nowadays.

Hopefully the DX11 patch will also encourage new sales too, as hopefully it'll replace Crysis 1 as "the" benchmark tool. Crysis 1 did very well for a PC title and sold 1.7m (0.8 according to VGChartz but apparantly the data is outdated) units at retail and probably more digitally.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:58 am

I was wondering why not have permanent internet connection like Ubisoft Hawx 2 in order to prevent piracy on pc so that we pc users can get the best graphics and games on time. What are the drawbacks ?

All I want is realistic graphics and ultimate interactive worlds. I read a post by a crytek representative that pc market does not allow high budget games and hence have to share with consoles. Then I did a search and found around 200,000 copies of crysis 2 sold on PC and over 500,000 downloaded via torrent. Besides there are several million pc owners that have dx11 hardware. The market is there and I strongly suggest crytek to make games that have permanent internet connection (Hawx 2 has 0 pirated copies) and are sold at variable prices depending on the per ca-pita income of the selected country.

Hawx 2 not pirated is just an epic fail you do.
I go frequently on those sites and pirated versions of the game ARE awaliable for download with working patches and stuff. Next time get your infos right.
And that didn't stop pirates anyway with Assassin's Creed 2 as the permanent internet thingy got hacked by a crackers team ( I forgot if it's Skidrow or Razor 1911 ).
And seriously this kind of protection gives more pain in the butt than it solves problems so I think that for C3 they'll have to think about something better.
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