» Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:41 am
Pretty sure it's part of the jammer bonus. Deflection increases damage mitigation making the DSG take 3 shots to kill on the upper body and not two. No, it doesn't bounce bullets back.
Not sure if they changed it, but it has a chance to deflect bullets, so I've been hit by a bullet I've fired into someone at very close range (with feline, a lot of bullets into them). Also i've had a Jaw bounce back at me twice, though never been killed by that, its just freaked me out. On Lighthouse, they were really quite far away, fired the jaw at them, then it bounced back at me lol.
I haven't been hit by a bullet from someone with deflection for a very long time though, instead bullets seem to ping off in a weird arc. So I wonder if they nerfed deflection....
I quite like it, as it does give some players a chance to get a couple of kills.