AntiCheat will do no good. Still, there are solutions

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:41 am

A majority of the hacking software are currently detected by the current cheat system in place by crytek. unfortunately the SERVER SIDE variables are the only ones in place in the cheat systems. The only issue is the CLIENT SIDE variables that are the main issue. Things like infinite ammo and god mode and sorts are detected by the anti-cheat software, but in a perfect world the programmers believe that just modding those type of variables will remove a majority of cheats. In actuality the cheat issue is all MEMORY based, For example If i had a program that searches Hit-box reference points such as POINT_DAMAGE_HEAD (Totally fake hit-box name don't sue me) and tell the program to move the game view towards that hit-box it would do it just fine. But a majority of the Cheats that im seeing are things like Unlimited energy, Shooting while cloaked (Removal of de-cloak penalty), No weapon kickback (Anti-recoil), Wall Sighting (Seeing through walls), Permanent Highlight (Enemy players are constantly marked with triangles/red glow), and the infamous new cheat the fly hack (noclip).

A majority of these cheats are still available VIA the purchasable cheats but they remain unchallenged. A good idea to remove things is to design a program that runs along with the crysis 2 client that prevents memory editing of the program while the program is running, but if the software feels if it has been corrupted and or modified it wont run the game. They did this with battlefield 2142 and it worked wonders at least 75% of cheaters dissipated overnight.

Another thing before i go play a game or two is that don't call the cheaters "Hackers" because in all sense of the word they are not HACKING, they are using a program they payed for to play the game beyond means it was rationally intended. Calling them hackers does nothing but boost their E-Peen. Calling them Cheaters is more proper because that's all they are doing, cheating people who play the game normally from the positive experience they purchased.
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:01 am

For me, there would be some simple - but deadly effective - tasks to get rid of a good part of cheaters (and also these boosters but we won't be so severe) : The leaderboards are the place where cheaters can be caught :
- Even the best player on the earth can't do more than - let's say - 2000 XP in one minute. (including post-match bonuses, assessments etc). Same thing for 6 kills (One kill every 10 seconds is possible, but not every match...), 2 assists, etc. By dividing these numbers by the total time in minutes, you can have a precise idea of who's cheating and who don't. Every player caught with ONE too high number (And level at least 11 to avoid lucky newbies) wins a direct ban of leaderboards and a reset to Lv1. These guys would also be "marked", if they recidive it's the ban.
- If someone have a reasonable score but a too high KdR (5+) AND level 11+, they would be in "surveillance" mode. Every player in this mode would be spied on by bots and real players/employees/what else. Any streak of 5 games without any death, any obvious action (For example flying) seen by an human etc. is a direct ban.
- In Crysis 2 you can do Stealth Kills. IRL you can do Stealth Bans. Crytek may employ some "bad guys" who would actually BUY the cheats and give them to study to Crytek. They could also create their own hacks (But under a disguised name, not affiliated to Crytek... in appearance), to prevent cheaters buying them elsewhere (read the following to better understand). Every hack home-made/studied, once detected, "paints" the player with an invisible variable in their profile. One week, two weeks, and they are not banned, just to let the cheat spread around. And a given day, the bomb explodes. Everyone painted is banned. "Owned".

My grammar isn't really ideal (I'm not English) but I hope you understand the ideas.

DarkLite : The ideas sounds good, but the verifications would have to be done, and your ping wouldn't improve because every action would be tested (Only the side changes) - more this would give hackers an opportunity to bypass it and if they are disabled on the server, it would be worse than better.

EDIT : A.Soldier : This idea of anti-memory hack is good, but I think the verifications should only be in MP games - so you can still cheat the SP if you want to.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:16 pm

i still believe that the community will make this game (MP) playable. Let them punish the cheaters. As i said good players will be punished too but it`s a risk we can assume.
the idea with a program that runs along with the crysis 2 client is also good but i bet that the cheat programmers (hackers) will find a way to beat that :|

seud0 - your theory is kind of complicated. i dont think crytek wants to suddenly ban 100-200 players. they will loose too. it`s more easy to :

public punishement - ban 10-20 users, making this public (a thread or something) and at least 50% of the remaining cheaters will scare a little bit. ban 50 still making public and at least 70% will be scared.

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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 12:21 am

DarkLite : The ideas sounds good, but the verifications would have to be done, and your ping wouldn't improve because every action would be tested (Only the side changes) - more this would give hackers an opportunity to bypass it and if they are disabled on the server, it would be worse than better.

No, you seem to have misunderstood me. Crytek have implemented "anticheat" that will be greatly affected by lag. Removing it won't improve lag a lot, but it will improve accuracy a great deal.

If you lag and your hit packets get delayed, it looks like rapidfire.
If you lag and your movement packets get delayed, it looks like a teleport.

Similarly, a lot of the rest of their detections are poorly thought out.

-Headshot ratio and concurrent headshots are used to detect aimbot. Aimbotters can just target a different body part, while normal users can easily get banned for having good aim.
-Player speed is greatly affected by collision. For example, in Wars, a strength punch with teamkill damage off will give you a speed of approximately 130m/s, which looks like a hack.
-Melee range is affected by lag. If your movement packets are delayed, it looks like you're using mass kill.

A majority of these cheats are still available VIA the purchasable cheats but they remain unchallenged. A good idea to remove things is to design a program that runs along with the crysis 2 client that prevents memory editing of the program while the program is running, but if the software feels if it has been corrupted and or modified it wont run the game. They did this with battlefield 2142 and it worked wonders at least 75% of cheaters dissipated overnight.

How? The program could check the memory of Crysis 2 against expected values, but the hackers would simply hook into the functions it uses to scan memory and return the "correct" values. And there's no way to prevent them writing to the game memory.

There's also the concept of "rings" here. In a computer, there are a number of zones called "rings" that denote the access of a program. Things in the kernel (the central low-level bit of the OS. It handles BSODs and similar things) are in "ring 0". They can see everything going on in other rings. But processes run by the user are "ring 3", which means that they can't see anything running in ring 0. If Crytek released a program, hackers could just run in ring 0 and evade detection.

One way Crytek could run their code in ring 0 is by installing it as a driver, which grants it kernel access. However, the hack can still just hook everything the anticheat tries to call, or even just modify the anticheat process so it "expects" to see the hack there.

Almost any function the anticheat would try to use can be hooked by the hackers. Every time the anticheat tries to see the memory of the process, they can just return nonsense to it.

Anticheat companies have years of experience in this area. And they can't prevent hacks.

EDIT: Apologies for the technical details I'm going into here, but they're kinda necessary to explain why such an idea wouldn't work.
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