Greetings to everyone. Just want to start by saying that I'm pretty pumped for Fallout 4, been a long time fan of the series actually. I only started with Fallout Tactics though, and had to go back to F1+2! Good times.
But in saying that, I do have some, worries I suppose about Fallout 4. Nothing particularly serious I suppose, but I guess things I hope to have seen improved from previous titles, to just give F4 that extra oomph that would for me personally help give that "complete Fallout experience".
Obviously I'm not really expecting much to happen since it's basically coming up on release. Also perhaps some of my concerns are not warranted, I've kept myself from trying to view too much material since I want to give myself a nice clean Fallout 4 experience when it comes out! But even so, I thought I'd share some things on my mind, and I was more curious to know if other people felt the same, or had any small grievances with previous Fallout titles that they would liked to have seen optimized here.
Again. I'm not hating on F4 or Bethesda, love their work. I'm not expecting miracles. And my 'concerns' are somewhat superfluous things, but they were still enough to get me here! So here goes!
1. Destructible environments: Needless to say, F3 and FNV were pretty indomitable! I remember my first attempt to explode a wooden door with some explosives. It did take me a little while to notice this was missing, but definitely after I did it was like glass shattering! I couldn't help the overwhelming ironic feeling that in a post apocalyptic wasteland, nothing was destructible.
- So what I would LOVE to see is nothing crazy, really. Some very 'basic' destructibility in the environment would just be the cherry on the cake so to speak. Such as just key features maybe: already weakened walls, wooden items, cupboards and furniture perhaps, but most importantly things like wooden/weak doors (if not walls).
- Caveat: I did notice in one of the combat gameplay videos that there appeared to be more debris from bullets and gunfire, which seemed nice. So I'm hoping more to this vain! I'm not expecting Crysis 1 or anything, but just something to break up (pun unintended but welcome) the world! I think it definitely adds something to the whole immersion. Not to mention how addicting it is to be able to blow stuff up!
2. Enemy flinch during combat: This one was a subtle thing that grew on me over time. What I mean by this is that during a gun fight, if you're firing an automatic rifle into an enemy, they continued to walk towards you, shoot and do everything just the same as if you weren't. For me personally this had a few effects.
- Firstly it took away from the feeling of impact during battle. I use flinching and reactions from being hit as a visual queue that I'm on target. It's not gamebreaking or core, or anything, but it's just a nice addition if that makes sense. I think it adds something special, immersion wise, if you hit an enemy once or twice that it'll interrupt their action for a moment. This is especially true to explosions. Now I haven't played F3/FNV in some time, and I accept my mistake if I'm wrong, but I do recall that even explosions had little to NO effect on enemies in this regard. Please do note, I'm not talking about death animations, I'm talking about non-killing blows.
Death animations are fantastic time and time again. No complaints there!
In all honesty other than that, I don't really have any complaints.
I mean sure, anyone could sit there and come up with a plethora of ways to 'improve the game' or add features: and what game is exempt from this rule? But That's not what my post is really about. I'm not suggesting by any measure an overhaul of anything. I do love the Fallout series- for what it is, before and during Bethseda's time. My 2 examples there (to some extent) I consider to be 'minor' adjustments I suppose. Small things that don't have a game-changing or game-breaking consequence. Doesn't affect the "heart" of Fallout, but definitely would add something special- and most importantly get rid of that nagging itch in the back of my head that sometimes makes me go "sigh, if only this".
TLDR- Put concisely, some minor destrucibility (doors, furniture, etc) and more flinch reaction from enemies hit during combat, including action interruption, were the only things F3/FNV didn't do that I always thought would just complete the Fallout experience for me, if they were implemented.
Are they unreasonable, inconsequential, or trite? Anyone have their own they might like to share that would complete the Fallout experience for them?
Anyway, thanks for reading!