Announcing the development of a massive new mod that will deliver an entirely new hold fully enriched with both main and secondary quests.
Deep in the Velothi Mountains, along Skyrim's eastern border with Morrowind, there is a series of vast canyons. Blessed with natural defenses, a mild climate, and precious resources waiting to be mined, Antler Canyon became a strong community. Self reliant and remote, they owe no allegiances and take no sides. Antler Canyon is known across Tamriel for it's exotic gem stones and strong metals. War-torn Skyrim has especially come to rely on Velothi steel, but supplies are drying up. The gates to the canyon have been shut, ending all trade and travel. Something horrible has been discovered deep in the labyrinth of slot canyons and mines, an unexpected danger that threatens to destroy Antler Canyon and escape into Skyrim.
Can we see some of it?
What all will be included?
Oh lots, including new worldspaces with cities and voiced NPCs, main and secondary quests, mystery, monsters, new weapons, and loot to boot.
What's the point?
More content. I'm not trying to fix anything wrong with Skyrim or supply something that is missing. My goal is to really just give more of what's already there.
Is it lore friendly?
I don't know. You tell me. I use, but mix, existing architecture. The hold, everything in it, and everything that happens is a product of my imagination, but seems logically possible based on the history of Tamriel and it's existing topography. I don't think it contradicts any lore.
How close are you to finished?
Not very close. I'm still working on exterior cells. This is a very large mod both in terms of gameplay hours (hopfeully) and landscape size. If everything goes according to plan I should be able to release it early this fall.
What do need from me?
I'm SO GLAD you asked! I have no partners at this point and would love some help on just about any aspect of the mod. Navmesh, modeling weapons, scripting, quest design and implementation, voice acting, and anything else of which you can think. Basically, if you like doing something and want to be involved in a large DLC type mod - please contact me. I can do a little of everything, but if I can avoid some of the tasks I'm not very good at the mod will be ready much sooner.