Are you guys using your stealth and archery to kill everyone you see or just enemies? In other words are you a ruthless assassin with no regard for others lives or are you one who looks after the population of skyrim?
Just enemy NPCs in dungeons and the like - I've never seen the point in running round killing innocent villagers and whathaveyou in TES games, that's not the way I roleplay, I'd rather they stayed alive to give me jobs or quests and I try to defend them as much as possible. My sneak skill is good, so if I'm still not sure after using the zoom whether someone on the road is a bandit or a farmer I can sneak up on them and check before either backstabbing them, or coming out of sneak mode to talk to them and get paid for my cabbages/potatoes/etc. that I might have harvested! Out on the roads I switch between bow and dual 1 handed weapons depending upon the circumstances (wolves, bears, dragons, obvious bandits get an arrow in the neck before they see me coming, anyone I'm not sure about I sneak up behind to check who they are and switch to swords/daggers if necessary).
In dungeons or in a location with known hostiles (ie a bandit camp or whatnot) I assume hostility and shoot first, ask questions later.