Fallout 3 was a long time ago now and I can't really remember the beauty and scenery that well.
Fallout 3 was a dusty yellow craphole the whole way through, tinted green and with nothing alive except for one tiny exception.
Fallout 4 looks worn out and ruined, but there does appear to be grass and plants growing, albeit stunted and a bit yellowed, so it does have something of a natural beauty to it. Like you said, it's more of a wilderness in places than a total wasteland.
Some of it almost looks like moorland. It looks kind of like home in a way to me.
I think there will be a lot of beauty simply because of the dynamic weather. Observable beauty might just depend on what the weather is at the moment. Some of the landscape shots we've seen in the trailers just look gorgeous to me. In the latest trailer, one shot of the dog running shows little red flowers (not many) on some bushes. In a creepier shot of an inner city looking area we see a bird fly by. All those little touches add so much.
Well, they got rid of the nasty tint, so the environment itself should look better (albeit, still like bombed out crap)
It reminds me of the worn out, broken down look of the first mad max film. Although that was more of a pre-apocalyse than a post one.
Or HG Wells's Things To Come, where there were some poisoned zones, but a lot of the world just fell collapsed into a medieval slump, even where there wasn't widespread destruction.
The one review to break embargo (I don't think this is spoilerific)
talks about the game being
So yes, I think we are in for a good time.
Is it just me that found Fallout 3 to be quite beautiful? Watching the sunset at Vault 101 or in the Washington Monument was beautiful, there's still a large tracts of the world that are quite depressing; but Fallout 3 has its moments of beauty.
It's hard to say without playing Fallout 4, but the part in the launch trailer where the female character is looking at the skyline of Boston looks wonderful.It's about 34 seconds in - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivStn8l6_9w
Yeah, I remember having plenty of "wow!" experiences in F3 and NV.. even if those memories are tinted green and orange.
Curious about this also. Skyrim had a lot of sights that could take your breath away. I really don't expect this in FO4, but I would hope there are some 'wow' scenes.
The night sky looks quite beautiful from what I've seen. I wouldn't mind some incongruous green like that place in FO3. Maybe stuff could svck less underwater. Though I suppose radiation isn't particularly good for underwater either.
Fo3 looked, for the most part, like a dirty, brownish/yellow sulfur-pit with mud-puddles but never any rain. It just seemed to offer no comfort, ever. Unyielding despair.
Fo4 looks to have much more to offer. Vibrant, dynamic and yet still deadly and desolate.
I just want Fallout 4 to have the right balance of "unyielding despair" and "Look, things are gonna be all right. See this vibrant, colorful settlement? See the wildlife? The trees and animals not trying to kill you?" I mean, sure, I get it a world after a nuclear war would render everything mostly dead but two things:
#1- Audience Induced Apathy: Fallout 3 made me not give one molerat's nail about the people of the Capital Wasteland. What was there to save? A bunch of dead trees and abandoned cities? A town built around an irradiated crater and an old rusty ship? If the world looks so bleak and dead, then I would I save it? May as well be saving a carcass for all that does.
#2- Places in real life, such as Chernobyl still show signs of life even with little to no people living within its borders.
I sincerely hope that FO4 has more of a 'things are recovering and growing again' vibe. FO3 was so ugly and depressing; I tried playing it again recently and just couldn't get over how ugly it was. So far, FO4 looks much nicer with more color and some greenery.