I'v always somewhat expected to, now and then while traversing the Wasteland, to run into an "elite" type monster. Maybe the same type as you see out there, but it's different. Maybe different attacks, maybe it can call for backup (which might maybe spawn other creatures of it's type 100units away so it looks like they're running towards you from far out to give backup), etc. Not just the same group of brotherhood outcasts and raiders I seem to of killed every single time (wondering why they keep coming back to life when clearly, there CANNOT be this many groups of identical people XD).
So i'm wondering if any mods out there (asides FOOK2 which I knew added some) which add stuff like this. Some tougher fights now and they which might require some smarter thinking to kill.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. If it doesn't appear this has been made well... I think I might of just found myself a GECK project to work on

Again. Not looking for any super-sized bosses. Nothing should be mutating to the size of an f-57 combined with a 3000 tonne behemoth that is on fire.