Would it be possible to add a bow and a crossbow in an update or one of the DLCs ? As much as I love the gunplay and VATS in Fallout, there's something exhilarating about primitive weapons. I find it much more satisfying to land an arrow into a bad guy's neck from 50 meters or so.
How would they work
I was thinking of 1 Wooden Bow and 1 Wooden Crossbow which would then progressively be upgraded through various looks and materials of a Compound Bow/Crossbow or some similar Fallout 4 look. Since all weapons in Fallout 4 are about weapon mods and changing the look of the weapon, the similar would be with the bow and crossbow.
Upgradable mods like :
Maybe arrow types (Anti-armor, flammable, explosive arrows, normal).
And by changing the mods on the weapon, the appearance of it would go from very basic bow made of commonwealth wood to / Refined Bow-Crossbow / Recurve Bow-Crossbow / Compound Bow-Crossbow and so on... maybe an Alien Bow which shoots glowing arrows.
Materials being like normal commonwealth wood, oak and similar materials.
What do you guys think ? To me personally, it would be a great addition to the game and spice up the gameplay a bit.