first they try to pull the "FOOL" license from gamesas, then they announce more DLC for F3, then they announce that fallout: New Vegas is being done by obsidian ...
legal, legal, yes, yes ..... but do you have anything at all to comment on this?
I generally like obsidian, I'm just ... kinda .... pissed at this seeing as how the "OC" has irresolvable "issues" with your time line on "FOOL" but no "issues" with handing off the next main line fallout game to another company ...
*quick edit to clarify as you locked the other thread*
i don't want to discuss any other games from any other company's ... i want infos on V13 and gamesass standpoint. I'd like to know how things are going ( if they re still going ) and any other info you can throw at us like what parts of the game you have more or less set in stone. (I.E. we have decided on FPS VS 3rd person or we have decided to on a interface layout.) hay, "OC" ..... i got something for ya right here! _|_ (^.^) _|_

"MMO-RPG" = "Mass Market Oriented - Repetitive Profit Genera"
- damned things still svcked me in ...