Native americans don't like the term indians. Its like calling a black person the n word. They prefer native or native american.
Native americans don't like the term indians. Its like calling a black person the n word. They prefer native or native american.
i high doubt u cant make a Asian person since the new sculpting tool is power, maybe isnt a preset so u will need to work a little with it.
My god. This thread hahaha...
Anyway, you could be Asian in past games, I really doubt this game will be any different or that Bethesda would have any reason to remove a "race" such as Asian.
Pretty sure they showed off a preset Asian face when they were on the character creator at E3:
Skip to 6:44 and you'll see it.
my guess is bc Vault, Vault were made only on America as far as we know.
But yeah it will be cool to see the rest of the world.
=P u can think about Metro 2033 is what happen to Moscow.
The game has a Sims 4 style character creator, so you will be able to create any character you want virtually speaking.
I confirm that the Japanese are solely responsible for determining who in this world is gay.
For the same reason TES games don't take place outside of the continent of Tamriel, they just don't need to. There is so much history and lore and a theme going on that it would be like starting over making a game outside of the USA.
I often daydreamed about what's happening in EU. Moriarty came from there (or more probably ran from there), so the situation can't be much better.
It would be interesting to see.
Most of the EU was destroyed in resource war but Britan seems to have survived likely thanks to the sea seprataing them from europe.
but yes Fallout london please
Fallout 3 and New Vegas have given us an Asian preset. Although from a lore perceptive your character can not be of Chinese decent else they would have been shipped off to the experimentation... I mean ethical internment camps. I know that would svck if you wanted to play a Chinese character, but it still leaves open the rest of the Far East.
OFC there will be asians, I'm sure it will be a preset too, along with hispanics
Not true, we actually don't mind at all, because race doesn't matter, it's the content of the person's character.
I think its because the setting is a ruined ideal of american 50s culture. Its also made by an american company.
I can't see why they wouldn't have Asian presets, past games did.