Any news if Fallout 4 character creation includes asian face presets to choose from for both genders?
Well they did confirm white and black, but asian should be an option too.
Any news if Fallout 4 character creation includes asian face presets to choose from for both genders?
Well they did confirm white and black, but asian should be an option too.
I doubt there would be any asain preset as im willing to bet all asain people were put in some camps (like in WW2) due to the war with china.
Should be a common factor. Somewhat bias to preset certain races without others.
It should be, but I doubt it will be a preset. That said, the character creation screen looks incredibly powerful so creating a character with Asian racial features should be possible.
No official confirmation on that but I would be very surprised if we couldn't play as an Asian person. In FO3 and NV the options have been Asian/African/Caucasian/Hispanic and I'm pretty sure those will all be present this time around as well.
Not all Asians are from China, just as not all Asians have the power to determine who's gay. Only the Japanese can do that.
I'm not saying they are but speaking from a lore & history point of veiw its sounds like something the old U.S government would do. i mean they have heavy armoured robots guarding offices how paranoid can you get.
Aww...I don't think you got the joke which was extremely fitting given your avatar.
Ive made my character asian in fallout 3 and new vegas. With character customization an optimal performance for this game, i'm sure you can make your character asian.
Who knows but you can sculpt one.
There's some preset face as shown on video "FACE 01" but doesn't say american like other previous games.
Yes you can be Asian but you are automatically given a communist uniform.
One of the face presets in the e3 demo of the character creation was Asian. So yes, there will def be asians.
Ive fallen behide on my south park watching
I'm pretty sure you can. They showed how to customize faces without sliders - just by dragging parts - in their presentation. So we should be able to do pretty much anything, at least regarding the shape of the face.
I'm absolutely certain you can make an asian-looking face in the cc, and I'm just as certain it will have absolutely zero bearing on how your character is perceived in-universe.
AKA when a Mr. Gutsy becomes a Mr. Handy.
Hm.. really? Then there should be Indian (American) , Indian(India),Escims,Japanese,Mongolian.....