A hearthily [censored] You too to you!
A hearthily [censored] You too to you!
Not atm, but right now you can make nearly everything out of a .38 pipe. Revolver rifles shouldnt a problem either, as they really existed(Colt revolving rifles).
If their trademark is lots of freedom, they should have.
Fallout 1 already had neat guns like desert eagles and weapon manufacturers.
What do you call this then?: Smith & Wesson , N 91 and chinese pistol, Magnum, G 3, R91 and Type 91 assault rifles, DKS 501
Calling the workers at Bethesda lazy is not just disrespectful, it's incredibly ignorant.
There's more to adding a weapon in the game than just throwing it in there. And because of the modding system the scope increases exponentially for every weapon they add.
I dont think looting has suffered one bit. I still find myself scavenging for things, just now I use them to build better weapons, or mod the unique weapons I have taken or been give from other characters in the game. I just wish I could craft ammo, running low on 10mm at the moment...
Thank you.
It is hard to maintain weapons if their is just a limited amount of repair and replacement at hand, hence weapons are beaking etc.
Currently playing Fallout 3 and the fact that almost every raider is having a assault rifle, flamethrowers and similiar stuff is somewhat disturbing.
Glad to hear they changed that a bit with Fallout 4.
Hahaha, sorry, couldn′t resist.
No luck I guess, only one AR and it's ugly as sin, guess we need to wait for some mods.
A lot of the guns are ugly. The sniper rifle looks like crap. Modders will fix this.
Also, I want to holster my weapons. I want to show them off while walking around. Let the raiders see that I'm armed to the teeth.
a bit off topic but where can you find a plasma/laser rifle?
Sadly, I agree. Ballistic weapons are down right sparse in the game. Seriously surprised they didn't even include other guns from the previous games (like the Chinese assault rifle, pistol, etc).
It's pretty annoying being flooded by [censored] pipe rifles.
I don't care so much that the enemies carry a lot of pipe rifles, I get the whole scavenger aspect of it. I just want some weapon variety from the loot that's found at points of interest or in military bases, for example.
The lack of ballistic weapons has pushed me to use the laser weapons though, and they're really [censored] sweet.
joining the brotherhood gets you a unique laser rifle
What amuses me is that you often find pipe weapons in safes and other caches that have not been opened since the War.
Glad i′m not the only one who sorely misses some gun porm. Maybe this thread and a similiar one i started could be merged.
Why do the pipe guns look like pee guns anyway? Shouldn't they look like normal pipes with rust and dings and scratches and welds and thread seal tape?
Yeah, that sh*t is hilarious, nothing beats looting military base only to find a bunch of pipe guns #immersion.
For me scavenging is less enjoyable because of the low loot diversity, they put too much emphasis on modifying your guns, because of that there's onl 2 or 3 base models in the whole game, similary with armors, but that's a whole different topic (gimme back my combat armors from F3!!!).
Edit: I should mention though that I really like the new look on 10mm pistol, it kind of got me hoping that soon I'm gonna roll around with sweet ass assault rifle (ak/m4 look-alikes), not some bulky light machine gun with II world war roots.
Did you never play Fallout 3 with FOOK? Those vintage lmg′s were some sweet ass [censored]...