I just want a cool pistol but all they have in game that I can see is the 10mm and a crappy revolver
There is a nice silenced pistol (10MM) you get from the RR, I think,. Can't seem to remember where I picked it up. But I think it's them. It's a must if you play a stealthy char. And it''s one of the few pistols that looks like a pistol.
Would be nice to see a gunrunner type dlc in the future with the fo3 and nv weapons redone with the modern textures they did. The new combat shotgun and 44 look incredible !
It's not actually as hard as you say. There's already a couple modders out there who have made very high quality 3D meshes for new guns with customization such as different stocks, barrels, muzzles and scopes. I myself have already finished the base mesh for a Chinese styled marksman rifle/sniper rifle that has three different stocks. The issue is that it's time consuming and we either don't have as much time as we'd like to work on said things or are easily distracted.
Remember, modders and mesh creators for mods aren't normally paid for their work... if Bethesda are really adding in a possible paid-mod plan for the game, I'm all for it when it comes to very high quality mods with modders putting months of their life into said mods.