Any good looking assault rifles?

Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:22 am

Are there any in F4? Something like Chinese Assault Rifle or normal Assault Rifle from F3/NV.

So far I've found only this: [google in images "fallout 4 assault rifle", I can't post links]

And the design on this thing is horrible, no way I'm using it. "Battle Rifle" is serviceable but it looks too much like the combat shotgun so it gets boring pretty quickly.

So far the ballistic weapons are a big disappointment, most of them look very similar to each other. And that pipe crap is simply atrocious.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:18 am

Yeah I'm wondering about this as well. What happened to the R91 and the Chinese Assault rifle? Can we at least craft something similar to them?

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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:52 am

I actually enjoy the pipe weapons. Though, I am wondering about the Assault Rifles, myself.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:45 pm

With Assault Rifles, everything looks like a modified, water-cooled Lewis Gun with a side-fed magazine. That said, if you put the drum on it, as well as a reflex or glowing sight, things look better, by a bit...but I agree, it just looks more like a light machine gun than a proper AR. And the lack of a pistol grip and stock is disappointing too - though the marksman/recoil-compensated stock does have a thumb hole-like sporting stock, which is about as close as you can get.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:55 pm

The new crafting system is a huge improvement, the variety of loot not so much. If every gun looks like it has been created by the same set of LEGO parts, it is because it was. What happend to all the arms of the Fallout history? Who took all the Smith & Wessons , N 91 and chinese pistols, the Magnums, G 3, R91 and Type 91 assault rifles, the DKS 501s, all the named and unnamed shotguns, rifles and smgs from the Commonwealth? Was it really that much work to add a few real world models, Bethesda? With different stats, sights and sounds? That would make looting fun again and give the crafting system more variety. As it stands now, Fallout 4 suffers from the same motivation problem as Skyrim. If you can craft the best stuff, looting- the carrot in front of your nose in open world rpgs, becomes rather boring. Once you have one weapon of one caliber, you only need the neccesary ressources and perks to craft everything possible out of it. Several brand lines woul change all that. Whether guns would only be moddable within their class or if you could creat a Magnum assault rifle remains to be seen. I hope the GECK comes out soon, so the modders can do what they always do- making a good Bethesda game great.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:17 pm

You either can have many unmodable weapons or few excessively modable ones, but not both. Or something in between. Every modification have to be modeled, textured and programmed by somebody. Plus how they interact with each other. That makes amount of work quadruple with each modification possible because you have to account for combinations.

It's 200 years after end of civilization, guns looking like being made from lego parts (pieces of scrap from what's left of old world) feels about right for the game setting, unlike having tons of pre war weapons in working conditions everywhere. I say, designers did good job. I newer liked Fallout 2 with weapons which did not even exist in alternative timeline (HK g11 anyone?).

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:33 am

I think when you make a thread with the title saying Bethesda is lazy, then you've lost a little or a lot of credibility and people won't take your thoughts seriously.
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:01 am

Yes you can.

The guns i mentioned were from Fallout 3 and they all existed. Thousands of collectors and exhibitions around the world hold an incountable number of antique weapons in functioning condition. Even if it werents so, game always break with reality in order to make playing it more fun. About the inacceptible amount of extra work for more variety- just wait for the modders to come out with their interpretation of it. Like always. :liplick:

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:31 pm

Thats too bad. But its my honest opinion. I bought all open world rpgs from Bethesda at day one since Morrowind and i am a little bit disappointed with Fallout 4. It′s not that i have no fun nor am i plagued with bugs- the game just feels a bit sloppy in some parts. And leaving out all guns of the fallout history is worse than that.

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Michael Korkia
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:09 am

I actually understand most of the things you have said but calling Beth lazy can be misleading. The fact that they didn't introduce classic weapons doesn't mean that Bethesda artists were sleeping on the wheel or taking a nap at work. It was obviously a design decision. Whether that decision was right or wrong that would depend on your tastes. Some people are relieved that karma is gone, others are not.
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:52 pm

I found the "guns made from pipes and random scrap" thing to be perfect for the environment and story. It's a big step up from New Vegas' gun factories and weapon suppliers and such. It made sense for the NCR to have army-issue firearms, but not "random wastelander".
There are no factories running on the east coast, it got hit pretty hard. Your average Jane is lucky to find some ammo, let alone some vendor with a miraculous supply of anti-materiel rifles. Actually imo there should be LESS guns and ammo, by the time you finish Concord you have dozens of guns which is silly. I'd have the raiders fighting with knives and nailed baseball bats :)
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:10 am

Well it's F4 and they don't. Continuity from one Fallout game to another is not exactly punctilious.

Just how many such collectors and weapons are in Boston exactly? And how many of those few which are, would survive nuclear war and then 200 years?

Moders work for free in their spare time. Unlike developers. And they have no deadlines.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:53 am

He's not asking for credibility. He's expressing his thoughts, which is his right.

I disagree with his post, but it's as credible as anyone elses thoughts regardless of the title.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:01 am

Of course he is not asking for credibility but often these kind of "hostile" threads often end up being closed because people become touchy all of the sudden. It is actually a good thread but he is shooting himself on the foot with the extra remark.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:59 pm

As i wrote:" Even if it werents so, game always break with reality in order to make playing it more fun". For me, the looting is much less fun in Fallout 4 and Skyrim because everything you can find -you can craft even better. A delicious carrot stolen by design, if you will. That, and i dont like the new toy look of the arms. Oh well, the first playthrough of Bethesda game was always more to quell the curiosity. The real fun comes in 1-2 years, with all the DLC′s and big overhauls like OOO and FOOK.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:06 am

Yes, and now i′m limping. I tried to edit the title, but it didnt let me. Guess i′ll have to live with being a bit blunt, not that this is the first time...

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:11 am

Oh trust me. I LOVE when people are blunt, when they talk with a no-nonsense attitude. ^^
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Lily Something
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:06 am

Hr can express all he wants , that has nothing to do with his lack of credibility. Lorca is right. Kind of like the Dumbed down phrase, the lazy comment is an instant turnoff and full nitpick mode for me. There's blunt and then there's this sort of stuff.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:04 am

I assume you will put me on ignore now because i turned you off?

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sam smith
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:55 pm

It's as I said: when I simplify, you either can have 2 different guns or 1 gun with 2 different mods for the same money but not both. There are few dozens of different base weapons in game, each with few dozens modification possible. It's not that game lacks focus on variety of weapons. When summed together, there was more work probably put in to weapons in F4 then in any Fallout game before.

Downside of course is, that those thousands of different modifications will be sort of similar to each other in one way or another since they are made by combining same components around. Which is your complain as I understand. But that brings us to point A: you can have either large variety of base weapons or large variety of modifications, but not both.

Btw.: I am afraid you will have little luck with modders in this regard. Because of excessive number of modifications, it will take a LOT of work to implement completely new weapon in to the game. Unless it would be unmodable or modable only very little.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:21 pm

Your choices are incomplete. As i wrote earlier: "Whether guns would only be moddable within their class or if you could creat a Magnum assault rifle remains to be seen".

That means you can add a number of historical weapons, but not neccesarily a large number. Lets say we add 3 pistols, 3 shotguns, 1 smgs, 3 assault rifles and 2 rifles. Thats about the number Fallout 3 had (minus heavy and energy). These guns do not need to have interchangeable parts, they dont even need to have the ability to switch class. If each one gets 3-5 different muzzles, grips, mags and scopes- that would make 12 - 20 of changeable part for each of the 12 guns. Don′t tell me a triple A producing studio/producer doesn′t have the ressources for this, but pyjama wearing modders do!

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:52 am

The reason that there are no real world gun models ingame could also be licensing issues.

Maybe the manufacturers don't/didn't want their guns to be completely moddable like it's possible ingame now.

Could be that those restrictions clashed with the vision Bethesda had for the crafting system.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:33 pm

Maybe. Or they will add them in DLC′s. insha'Todd

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:30 am

His opinions on the feature would be fine on their own. His opinion that his preference indicates that Bethesda is lazy is what loses him credibility.

The life of a software developer is a tough one. Maintaining a ridiculously high skill level over years, meager pay, working flipping insane hours making sure your own code fits in just right with a team of other resources. Te project plans go into 6 figures worth of line items.

All so some punk consumer with the benefit of the critics chair can call you LAZY because they didn't like a feature you built. The same kid woul probably fill the entire internet with diaper contents if you hadn't changed the system at all.

If he wants to look credible, then he should stick to his opinions on the feature, and leave out his worthless and overpriveledged thoughts on people's labor.
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:27 am

They are moddable only within their class. You can't use mods outside base weapon. You can't turn revolver in to bolt action rifle.

No they does not. Pyjama modders work for free without any time restriction. Without even having to finish their mod and without being accountable for what they do. Employers of AAA studio work for money. For that very reason, resources of AAA company are incomparably more limited.

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