The new crafting system is a huge improvement, the variety of loot not so much. If every gun looks like it has been created by the same set of LEGO parts, it is because it was. What happend to all the arms of the Fallout history? Who took all the Smith & Wessons , N 91 and chinese pistols, the Magnums, G 3, R91 and Type 91 assault rifles, the DKS 501s, all the named and unnamed shotguns, rifles and smgs from the Commonwealth? Was it really that much work to add a few real world models, Bethesda? With different stats, sights and sounds? That would make looting fun again and give the crafting system more variety. As it stands now, Fallout 4 suffers from the same motivation problem as Skyrim. If you can craft the best stuff, looting- the carrot in front of your nose in open world rpgs, becomes rather boring. Once you have one weapon of one caliber, you only need the neccesary ressources and perks to craft everything possible out of it. Several brand lines woul change all that. Whether guns would only be moddable within their class or if you could creat a Magnum assault rifle remains to be seen. I hope the GECK comes out soon, so the modders can do what they always do- making a good Bethesda game great.