I decided to build a wall around Sanctuary for practice and to set up a place to funnel invaders toward a kill zone.
I wanted to use the existing picket fence and natural hedge border, then just shore it up with other kinds of fencing. I don't care if it is pretty.
If you're good at this, I'd love to hear from you. Because what happens to me, is that I find a broken spot in the picket fence where I want to fix a hole. I pick up the broken piece of fence that presumably just fell over from the same spot. I go to attach it to the place WHERE IT JUST WAS (yeah, a few hundred years ago, so what?), and the "snap-to-it" ™ functionality forces the fence piece to stick straight out from the fence post at a 90-degree angle, not patching the hole, and not being of any damn use whatsoever.
I then find myself using other types of fencing behind or in front to patch the hole, and do my best to make the gaps in between the pieces small enough so I can't fit through. I hope that's enough to stop an invader. Not very confident of this if the invader turns out to be a molerat.
I think that maybe you can turn a fence post to point a certain way, but there is no visual cue that I have noticed that helps me see how I could do this with any degree of accuracy. It seems like it's just pick and click and hope it sticks.
Anyone got any advice?