Just Rollplay it in.
If the character dies start a new one. Eat, drink and sleep on a regular basis. limit the number of items you can carry and the amount of ammo as well.
Seeing as mods will be available on consoles and you probably don't need scripting extenders to create a hardcoe mod, it probably will appear at some point. But I still hope Beth adds it in a patch of expansion as most such mods are pointlessly complicated.
For full functionality script extender is essential.
Depends on scripting engine in the editor. For something on level of FNV, it might be doable.
Maybe but i had FOOK, Wanderers Edition and Project Nevada in mind. Even iNEED needs SKSE if you wanna use more than the absolute basic stuff. So maybe basic HC would be possible i guess (if you wanna call that HC then ^^).
i dont think you can mod a console game. =(
Xbox One will allow mods for Fallout 4 sometime after the editor is released for the PC. I believe it might be coming to PS4 as well but it will likely be sometime after Xbox One gets it. There will be limits to what mods will run on it like mods with nudity or ones that need script extenders.
It was already confirmed that FO4 mods will be available for consoles. Probably not all of them (and most likely not those that need Script extender and other utilities), but most casual mods should be available.
It might be possible but then again we have to assume that with the nature of consoles that there'd be some limit to what mods we can use / make.
Yes as you need to add new functionality in the base game,
It might be possible to some degree without. but it would be much harder and not look so good.
It depends on what options are in there. Possibly it could be in there if Bethesda was thinking about doing them and decided not to but still left it in the scripts and make it easier for mod makers to add it.
Guess you missed one of the BIGGEST parts about Fallout 4 being announced lol
As I'm not really sure of the full extent and flexibility of how mods on the console are going to work, I'm going to have to go with "Maybe."
Looks like there is some kind of Survival Mode, but don't know any details. Fingers crossed.
i think your all judgeing fallout 4 same way you look at skyrim this time around you might not even need script extender they might just build it into the game.
this is the first 64bit BGS title that will and require more than 4GB of ram on any platform settlement building alone shows me that fallout 4 has way more scripts running that skyrim ever did.
not saying that wouldn't welcome such extenders thou they are great.. just saying might be alot more going on under the hood of the game then other titles.
I agree. With the stance that Todd and Pete have seemed to take with questions on mods, they may have actually built in a lot more funtionality for modders to build on from the start. If they looked at current mods (they did) they would know about script extenders and I'd think they could implement something with similar functionality in the base code. But what do I know lol we'll find out soon(ish) I guess.
dont be a troll. that what I said "I don't think".
Besides, modding on consoles will be limited compared to PC modding.
For someone who didn't know mods were coming to consoles, you suddenly became an expert on what they can and cannot do...
yup. talked to a few people. if you have any exact information, do post a reference.
Like the developers? Cuz they're the ONLY ones who know how that's gonna go. No one outside of them actually knows how modding on consoles is going to go. So to comment on it with any absolutes is silly
thats unfortunate side of our fandom its very emotional ,emotions =zero logic
kinda reason NMA and other sites still exist.