» Sun May 29, 2011 1:28 am
Actually, though, very few mods are going to require those mods.
One, a lot of modders would rather work on something more people can use. The DLCs are not very popular in the mod community.
Two, those mods are all (with the possible exception of Mehrunes' Razor) generally considered awful, so I'd be surprised if many modders were inspired by them. This is also why they're not very popular.
Three, they're mostly house-mods, so basically every mod that requires them is just going to improve the house. It should be really obvious that a mod requires it.
Four, creating a mod that is dependent on a plug-in, especially one of the DLCs, is a non-trivial thing to do, technically. Lots of modders wouldn't know how to do it. The information's certainly out there, and from what I understand it's not particularly difficult, but you do have to jump through some hoops to do it. This technical hurdle, I think, would stop quite a few people who might otherwise mod them.