Age: 17
Instrument: Guitar (I prefer acoustic, but I own both), Ukulele, Singing
Years Played: Ive played guitar for about 8-9 years, and ukulele is just a small hobby I picked up a few years ago
Favorite Music to play: DAVE MATTHEWS! (I like him for reasons other than getting drunk at concerts, dont worry!), Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Circa Survive. I like to play a wide range of music, but most of the time I gravitate towards the laid back, but complex rhythmic style of Dave Matthews. It just amazes me.
Am I in a Band? Yes. I am the rhythm guitarist and singer. We play a variety of hardcoe music like Emarosa, Circa Survive, Tides of Man, etc. And currently have about 5 originals and hope to make an EP soon. I know it contradicts what I said earlier, but I feel that playing music outside of your comfort zone makes you a much better player than someone who specializes. Essentially, I would love to be a "Jack of All Trades" on the guitar. One can dream, right?

So, how do you guys feel about music? If you are a musician, why do you play what you play? Share your thoughts! Hopefully we can get some great discussion going on here! :foodndrink: