Which mod did you DL to make faces look better? Does it work on the PC's face? Mine is horribly blotchy and I've tried all the tricks to get rid of it, but no can do. I use TNR for the NPC's but I'd like to find something for the PC's face. I even tried the Wrye Import/export thing, but I can't even make them look better in the CS - requires too much artistic talent

TNR only deals with face data, but you still need facial textures to get rid of the blotchiness - both for NPC's and the PC. I'm using Improved Facial Textures and Enayla's - see http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/totocharacter.html for links/alternatives. (In fact, I've switched from Enayla to a facial texture I can't remember the name of - but I can't see that much difference between them anyway.)
EDIT: Using IFT plus F-IN evOblivion rather.