Now that Skyrim's released, and given that I haven't had much success asking here before, I'm guessing that the answer is a resounding "NO". But, thought I would try one more time anyway

The current version of WEPON is not the final intended release. Since Day 1, we have had additional plans for it. In roughly descending order of priority (and awesomeness):
- Add the Lost Daedric Shrine of Jyggalag, and with it a mechanism that will allow upgrading of existing equipment when infused with different gemstones - provided Jyggy likes you. (In progress)
- Add to the above mechanism a chance to acquire the ultimate equipment set: CHAOS, an amalgamation of Daedric, Madness, and Amber. (These weapons are set up in the ESP file but we don't have any models to use!)
- Add subtle hints to the game world about how to find the Easter Egg weapon, and upgrade its design.
- Add other additional (lore-friendly) weapon and armor sets: I've looked for quite a while for complete Adamantium or Stalhrim sets but no luck yet.
- Create brand new meshes (models) for the Orcish and Mithril weapons, rather than using recycled Vanilla meshes like we do now.
I will be glad to do what work I can - which pretty much are limited to the ESP file and scripting. If anyone has interest in creating new weapons and/or armor - Chaos, Adamantium, Stalhrim, Orcish, or Mithril - please let me know by posting here. (If you have even a passing interest, please post here...we'll talk later about the time commitment required!)