Sorry your right i didnt add enough info.. im level 3 lol Im not talking so much of long distance im on about when things are up close and personal >< Its more i find it dam hard to get the curser where it needs to be intime to shoot. Im not talking so much about mouse scrolling speeds etc.. it just dosnt seem smoth (if you get me) its more clunky

Also when ive had a maxed out player on the ps3 version i was having the same problems. Its deff not a level problem

Its probs just me! ill try that auto aim mod see if that helps

Also when i said about buttom layout i was talking more about the backup button -_- why the HELL do they use E when looking?! ITS MADNESS! it really throws me off for some reason lol

im a fussy little git when it comes to playing. When using the 360controller the layout seems more natural:/
P.s i also used the bullet time mod and found it just the same

like i say the curser dosnt move fluidly.. :/ Just gets a bit boring using VATS

was hoping there was a new way hehe