» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:35 am
There are 4 PCs (two desktops, two laptops) in this house running XP, purely for cost reasons. They are all general-use PCs and as such have no reason to be upgraded. That said, one will probably go bye-bye within this year.
There are 8 PCs (seven desktops, one netbook) at work running XP. Of those two are mission-critical. One will be scrapped in the upcoming 3-4 months, One is a long-term life machine, which I have enough spare parts to keep it running even after multiple failures. One I have no plans on seeing upgraded so long as the software used supports XP. One is marked as mid-priority in upgrading (three Vista machines I would rather see upgraded before it just because they are complete rubbish, all of which cannot support more than 2 GB of RAM, one only supporting 1 GB) and the final desktop is of low-priority for upgrade, as it is mostly a spare, only seeing regular use 3 days a week. The netbook isn't going to be upgraded any time soon, even though it is the bane of my existence.