Any plans for Crysis 2 GOTY Edition?

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:34 am

You throw out words without even knowing the weight. It's embarrassing for yourself. Take the time to realize the gravity of what you're actually saying instead of what your initial knee-jerk reaction tells you.

I only play games for the quality of the game. I've played every shooter that has been released since CS 1.5. CS series, CoD series, Battlefield series, Medal of Honor, Global Agenda, Far Cry, Crysis, Doom 3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, Fear, Halo series, and I'm sure I could find a few more.

From what I've seen in Crysis...
1. It has balanced weaponry, meaning every time I choose a gun. I know it has its own purpose and its own feel. So I know that I'll be playing the same game differently. Not game changing different because that's not important.
2. It has balanced perks that are rewarded based on your own playing ability. Most of which reward you in a way that you don't have to go out of your way to do something ridiculous. Making it a balanced way of progressing yourself in the game.
3. The leaderboards are all straight forward. They all have a purpose and will only get better as hackers get banned. They have lots of weighted stats to let you view how you change. The only possible request I could think of asking for is a graph to view your progression of K/D and other stats through the levels.
4. Leveling up is actually based on your OWN ability, finally. Instead of being based on 50% participation like most games. If you do nothing, you get nothing. Meaning there is an objective to focus on even in TIA.
5. Speaking of objectives. All the game modes are balanced and cannot be exploited. They each force you to work together to an objective. All of which can be done in several ways. If it's stalling the foolish opponents while some of your team caps the site. Or if it's setting up a decent defense plan for your ticks while being able to form a strategy during the next round to counteract theirs. So many ways to play the game...
6. All of the maps are supportive and playable on almost any P.C. Letting more and more players into the game. They have balanced spawns and almost always put you in a position you will be able to take the offense or defense.

These are what pop in my mind and stand out. The reason they do is because they are ALL points that are required of a competitive gaming environment. Where you can see who's better and see who's going to win. Not having a doubt in your mind that you can blame some stupid gimmick in the game. All skill. I could spend hours pointing out every flaw in other shooters to compare them to. But I expect you to have at least some knowledge. If not, then that's the whole reason we disagree.

So continue to misunderstand and whine until you have no more tears left. I'll enjoy the game because it is great and because I understand how it's great. I also understand what's wrong. But I'm not a foolish idiot and realize that none of the issues affect the game greatly. It looks great even without DX11. I can't wait until it's released and it only gets better.

I really didn't buy this game for the multiplayer, I did it for the SP. I expected a continuation of the first Crysis, I wanted to see how they would end it. I expected it to be same or better than Crysis 1, in graphics and game play, Crytek raised the bar. Crytek hyped it up to be as such they lied to the PC gaming community and you are blind if you don't see that. They kept saying it was going to be a PC game first, yet the whole game reeks of being a console port, hell it was even admitted they built it around the lowest platform( I just wish I knew about this before buying the game.
This game isn't the most horrendous game in existence. It just isn't $60 worthy and it's an insult to the computer gaming community.
I can understand you forcing yourself to enjoy the game as you probably forked over $60 bucks for it. The game just isn't that great. I beat it in 7 hours of casual playing over about two weeks on veteran, that included what little exploring I could do.
Many of those games you mentioned are far better then Crysis 2 and they are OLDER games. Quality just doesn't mean much anymore sadly with developers.
They promised and didn't deliver, like any other company the are to be held accountable. They put the noose around their own neck, they should answer for their mistakes. Everyone else has to answer for theirs, they are no different. They are rightfully getting their feet held to the fire.
You can be an apologist all you want, it doesn't change the facts.

I think what qbert is getting at, was they said this game was PC first ( however it obviously was made for the console first then ported over. Had it been a true PC first game, it would have said "Press Enter". They created this game around and for the Xbox360 then ported it over to PC. Thusly it is NOT a PC first game.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:03 am

lol, the game is not that good.. 8.5 at best
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:37 am

it certainly wins fail of the century in my book.
but thats not exactly good for marketing :)
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:21 am

Crysis 2 is sure above average but not any close to a GOTY.
Duke Nukem said Nanosuit's are for pvssys, I think his game will win the title ;)
And if not there is still Rage, Battlefield 3 and my favorite candidate Mass Effect 3.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:17 am

Mass Effect 3, enough said
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:30 am

it certainly wins fail of the century in my book.
but thats not exactly good for marketing :)

FOTC? ;)
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Joie Perez
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:23 am

If Crysis 2 is game of the year I'll lose all faith in humanity.

I'm thinking either BF3 or Portal 2 will be GOTY.
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:40 am

Hopefully they will rebundle this amazing game with Crysis or Warhead along with C2 for a special Game of the Year Edition package later on after the awards season over so I can get the first 2 for cheap and just give the C2 to my little sister.

GOTY ? Man , after laughing hard for a minit I Decided to acually consider your statemnt. Its very possible Crysis 2 will get that for Xbox etc.. but for PC ?? not even close. As the months go by and the PC community sees that this was only ever a Console port its popularity will wither and die. Its dead to me already and im done with Crytek.

Witcher 2, Heck even Duke , wich will be a console port to be sure, although one much better than Crysis 2 will smoke this game hands down later this year. There are a lot more titles scheduled to release this year that im sure will outshine Crysis 2 but for me those are the 2 that stick out

As far as bundling with Crysis and warhead. I cant see that either, both Previous games are infinately better PC games and Cant run on an Ex-box Or PS3

At the end of the day , Its a Console port that truly uses every bit of Hampster power the Current Gen is limited to.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:45 am

Every game is screwed if ES5: Skyrim makes it to release 11.11.11! That will DEFINITELY be game of the year and that game is using DirectX 11 on PC!!!
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:21 pm

Considering the part where 50+ reviews gave Crysis a 90+/100, there's a big chance for Crysis 2 GOTY. But really, I doubt it'd happen because it's unnecessary.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:12 am

Every game is screwed if ES5: Skyrim makes it to release 11.11.11! That will DEFINITELY be game of the year and that game is using DirectX 11 on PC!!!

I hate to break it toya but it might possibly not be as good as we hope

[we] are working at pop-up issues, and we want to make sure that the graphics of the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 are alike. All three will look just as good, aside from the higher resolution and the anti-aliasing of the PC, of course.
Read Second paragraph, one fourth the way through.

Also found in
In the 'Development' section, at the end of the first paragraph. Possibly taken from the pcgamer article.
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John N
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:23 pm

Bunch of babies in here. I'm sure some mature reviewers will give it the award. It has a lot of good things going on for it. While only a few small problems that people on here dramatize way too much. For example, saying you won't be a gamer anymore because of it. l o l

when a game has more downs than ups, that generally means its not going to become GOTY.

Fallout 3 were unplayable (too many crashes) when launched and got the GOTY prize. Well, after years, Fallout 3 still unplayable, because crashes remains. :P
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:56 pm

Crysis 2 is not nearly good enough to be a game of the year in my opinion. It's not a bad game, but i miss the innovation. In fact there was nothing new, nothing exciting.

look at the Portal 2 Trailers for example. This could be a game of the year.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:35 am

Bunch of babies in here. I'm sure some mature reviewers will give it the award. It has a lot of good things going on for it. While only a few small problems that people on here dramatize way too much. For example, saying you won't be a gamer anymore because of it. l o l

when a game has more downs than ups, that generally means its not going to become GOTY.

Fallout 3 were unplayable (too many crashes) when launched and got the GOTY prize. Well, after years, Fallout 3 still unplayable, because crashes remains. :P

I played Fallout 3 to death. You're either in need of a new computer, you're an idiot, or you're just a baby. I never once had problems once they patched it away. Which they did almost immediately. I bought the game the day it was released as well.

It earned GOTY. Instead of foolishly and futilely trying to explain why not to me. Try to find out why it earned it for yourself. Whatever bad you have to say about the game. It's still revered today. Same for New Vegas.

@Ironhelix, you always fail at making your point. What are you trying to say is wrong with the game? After reading those articles I still can't wait for it. I'm guessing your brain is transfixed on that little bit about console and pc. Get. Over. It.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:25 pm

when a game has more downs than ups, that generally means its not going to become GOTY.[/quote]

Fallout 3 were unplayable (too many crashes) when launched and got the GOTY prize. Well, after years, Fallout 3 still unplayable, because crashes remains. :P[/quote]

I played Fallout 3 to death. You're either in need of a new computer, you're an idiot, or you're just a baby. I never once had problems once they patched it away. Which they did almost immediately. I bought the game the day it was released as well.

It earned GOTY. Instead of foolishly and futilely trying to explain why not to me. Try to find out why it earned it for yourself. Whatever bad you have to say about the game. It's still revered today. Same for New Vegas.

@Ironhelix, you always fail at making your point. What are you trying to say is wrong with the game? After reading those articles I still can't wait for it. I'm guessing your brain is transfixed on that little bit about console and pc. Get. Over. It.[/quote]

Well fallout 3 was a great game and yea it did crash a lot but. A lot of the problems and crashing had to do with games for windows live . In fact there was a hack that allowed you to remove gfwl from the game and that improved performance. The other issue I remeber is that Fallout 3 had issues with certain codecs installed on peoples computers. If you corrected that the game was ace. Not to mention fallout 3 had a lot of support from the dev and so much and lengthy dlc that I simply got sick of the game. And lets not forget it also had mod tools.

so yea Fallout 3 was a huge effort with great gameplay and a great story. It was worthy of game of the year and honestly crysis 2 has no business being mentioned along side fallout 3 or even being in the same room as fallout 3.

all crysis 2 is cod with a nano suit. Take away the nano abilities and it becomes just another shooter.

And while crysis 2 has great lighting, which looks great until you get close to a lot of the in game objects with crappy low res textures. It Is just a standard shooter with a different angle for the console crowd
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:49 pm

If Crysis 2 is game of the year I'll lose all faith in humanity.

I'm thinking either BF3 or Portal 2 will be GOTY.
My money is on Portal 2 for GOTY from most sites but BF3 will be my personal GOTY (i just have a feeling it will be awesome).
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