3. Weak DRM - Simple CD key, easily cracked. PC gaming dies due to prevelance of piracy
That's a prevalent statement with no foundation of factual evidence, only vague claims with at best anecdotal support of suspicious origin.
Poorly developed game with large budget has poor sales, piracy is to blame.
On the other hand, we have games like Skyrim, that while they show plenty of development issues, nonetheless sell extremely well, and Skyrim WILL get pirated (if it isn't available already)
Sales figures so far, taking digital sales in to account, indicate that the PC version is selling competitively with the PS3 version. Hopefully Bethesda will learn from that and stop leaving us behind, as they have done since Oblivion.
Sadly, the only thing those sales figures will tell Bethesda is that they can keep on doing business as usual, because us PC gamers will put up with it. If, however, we try to talk with our wallets, poor sales figures will tell Bethesda to abandon the PC platform. It's a lose-lose situation either way. it's disappointing to see developers treat their roots with such disrespect, but it's a very common trend these days.
Thankfully, there are still some developers out there that show true dedication to the platform (and ironically enough, the makers of Steam, and in fact Steam itself are two big contributors to that), and I'm confident there always will be.