Any possibility of Steamless at some point down the road?

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:53 am

We have 4 options:

1. Heavy DRM - Every game uses some obscenely arcane DRM method
2. Steam DRM - All you need is an occasional internet connection, and accepting that you never really "own" the game, just a license to play it (software has always been like this though, there's a reason you agree to the EULA during installation).
3. Weak DRM - Simple CD key, easily cracked. PC gaming dies due to prevelance of piracy
4. No DRM - Game companies define a new mechanic by which to make money, probably closer to nickel and diming players (Kojima's fabled "you must buy the game again when you die" method).

It doesn't protect games from piracy, pirates love drm, the fun they get is from cracking them, from being the first to release drmless versions of the game, usuallly, these days, on the day the game is released or even before. What it seeks to restrict is second hand sales and the practice of lending our copies to friends. I wonder how long it will be before the book you buy at a book store will be locked tight until you "activate" it online and you will no longer be able to lend books to friends or take them to second hand book stores. And if we let them get away with this, how long before they think of ways to keep us from owning anything, we will all just be obliged to whatever company holds the rights to whatever we buy. You think this sounds like science fiction? I'm 67, if you had told me when I was in my twenties that you would have to buy a game but still not own it, I would have laughed you out of the room.
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keri seymour
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:13 am

I sure would prefer it, had it been possible... Can't afford upgrading right now, and while I think Skyrim will run, I expect mucho freezing and CDT. I'd really like to have no process in ze background.

Oh well, I'll see if that flies.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:05 am

...That's why I heard Skyrim was cracked a day before release for the PC right...

Skyrim DRM = Fail ):

I know most posters have reading comprehension problems, so I have no problem repeating myself again:

The success of Steam as a DRM mechanism is completely not the point.

The game company MUST use some method to stop casual piracy and incentivize potential customers to actually buy the game. There's simply no downside for them to use a relatively lightweight DRM solution through Steam for a pretty good return -- it kills casual piracy.

Seriously, you would rather have Bethesda use SecuROM? Stardock? Some other mechanism to rootkit your DVDROM drive and crash your PC (nice try Sony)?

Steam is an absolutely wonderful option when you consider the alternatives, and when you accept that the company has to do something reasonable in this day and age.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:59 am

Since this thread has morphed into a discussion of Steam and DRM, it's time to close it and direct folks to the thread we set up for this discussion.

Please continue it in there.
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Darrell Fawcett
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