containing a few main quest spoilers. read at your own discretion.
I've just finished the main quest and nobody seems to care/recognize what I've done.
Guards won't talk about it, nobody even notices that Alduin is gone.
I've tried to talk to Elisif(since I met her husband), General Tuilus, Ulfric, and no one says a thing; did the temporary truce even end? I can't tell.
There are only 3 NPCs in the entire game that recognized my deed. the talking greybeard guy, and two remaining members of the blades. The latter did mention my victory but then they went on how I'm unwelcome in their base as long as Parthurrax lives.
This is the way it's supposed to be? In Oblivion people on streets of recognized me as my title and expressed admiration. I've seen no such thing in Skyrim, and Skyrim is supposed to have twice as many lines recorded as Oblivion....