Well I found some stuff, but it seems there isn't a whole lot made for just the normal game without a body mod. I am apparently one of the very few oblivion players that doesn't see the point of playing a character that has boobs the size of watermelons when you don't see them during gameplay anyway. Sadly there doesn't seem to be very many pants added in mods, and pretty much no new shoes. Not really a fan of seeing the ankles constantly.

As for the boobs being the size of watermelons, 'tgnd' (The girl next door) has the most.. uh. normal? sizes? lol. best I can explain it. cant link it, but look it up on Nexus.
It really depends on what body replacer, if any, your using. I suggest Robert's male, and it sounds like you would like tgnd. If it's not too hard, I might be able to make a few pieces of clothes, if you can give me an idea to work with. And btw, Robert's male body replacer has a underwear that looks more like men's boxers.