Any Really Good Glarthir Stories to Tell?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:22 pm

That NPC has GOT to be the best NPC in the whole game (not that I've seen it all yet, but from what I've seen so far). The first time I did that quest I ACTUALLY was wondering!

The second time I decided to "humor" him and told him they really were after him. Never have acted on the "List of Death," but my one socipath Wood Elf Chickie may just do the job eventually . . .

So with a character this whacky, and with that many different flow-trees in the dialogue, there must be some really good stories about messin' with Glarthir, no? I saw a YouTube video that was something like "Glarthir vs. Adoring Fan" but it didn't really seem to be what I'd thought it would be.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:23 am

I once just ignored him and ran away from him through Skingrad as I did quests. I think he followed me to the Imperial City once, saying "Psst! Over here!" the entire time.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:49 pm

I've ignored him, my past character. It's pretty fun, and he is always whispering to me when I visit Skingrad. When I deign to talk to him, he is all flustered that I didn't meet him, then agrees to meet me again at midnight. I blow him off. Rinse and repeat.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:39 pm

After the first time or two I just put the Touch of Rage spell on him, as soon as he shows up, and let the guards take care of him.

Does he really go out and kill the three "targets" if you tell him they are spying on him? I did the conversations that way, but when he went home mumbling to himself and got his weapon I took him out.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 am

From one of my past posts.

If I ever exit the west gate of Skingrad and Glarthir is right there trying to get my attention, I just lead him to Fat Ramp Camp and let the bandits take care of him. One time I did that and didn't have any business to do in Skingrad for a long duration. Then one day I was passing through I spotted Glarthir again and do a double-take, "Oh just Glarthir again... WAIT! :blink: I thought the bandits killed him! It must be just another bosmer wearing the same clothes and hairdo... :blink: I've never heard of another NPC that looks like him... " So I walk up to him and sure enough, my cursor shows the name Glarthir in the lower right of the screne. :blink: ... ... ... "That's odd, I never started the Glarthir topic with anyone and he's not even following me/ trying to get my attention anymore." So I try to talk to him. All he has to say is, "Yes, I think... no. Wait. Never mind. I must go now." or "I don't really feel comfortable talking to you right now." or "Leave me alone! I can't talk right now!" Then I talk to one of the town guard and no Garthir dialogue topic. Finally I run back to Glarthir to make sure it was him that I saw and he's just standing ther like an average citizen complimenting me on my skills when I walk by. I'm like :blink: .... :blink: .... :blink: .... ... .... :bolt: "The Marukhati Selectives are after me!!! AAAAAaaaaaaahhhhh!" :ahhh:

I don't know how he came back from the dead, but I'm sure the bandits killed him. :shrug:

Edit: I also went to check up on his marks and they were all still alive.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 am

Does he really go out and kill the three "targets" if you tell him they are spying on him? I did the conversations that way, but when he went home mumbling to himself and got his weapon I took him out.

Yes he will. He tried it when I was playing a character who refused to do the assassinations. I followed him, waited for him to attack Bernadette Peneles in her house, and then killed him (without it being murder because he attacked Bernadette first).
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Josee Leach
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 am

Spontaneously resurrected eh? Sounds to me like there is actually more to this Glarthir character than meets the eye.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 am

Spontaneously resurrected eh? Sounds to me like there is actually more to this Glarthir character than meets the eye.

Yeah, that's kind of why I spun my story in the fashion of the tables being turned on me. I was honestly second guessing if I really had him killed in my game or not. :P My only guess is that maybe Bethesda made it so he came back, so the player still could complete that quest for the sake of 100% completion. Although, I guess there wasn't an option to do that quest afterward in that play through.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 am

Yeah, that's kind of why I spun my story in the fashion of the tables being turned on me. I was honestly second guessing if I really had him killed in my game or not. :P My only guess is that maybe Bethesda made it so he came back, so the player still could complete that quest for the sake of 100% completion. Although, I guess there wasn't an option to do that quest afterward in that play through.

I've preemptively shot him in the back before to avoid putting up with his paranoid crap, and he stayed dead, so he's not flagged Essential prior to the quest starting.

About the only thing I can think of is that there is something hidden in his personal scripts, which I haven't scrutinized to check this, that causes him to respawn if killed outside Skingrad. Mind you, I haven't tried doing so either, so I could be way off base. It could also be a condition check in the quest script itself, to make sure he is present when the player goes to report for that day, but I haven't looked into that either.

I could also be way over-thinking this, which I have a habit of doing all too often.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:49 am

i was doing skingrad recomendation, and i saw glarthir say "psst over here" so i ran to bleak flats cave. well after i kill all the zombies and bring earthor over to the secret rock. when i open it theres a shadow. it says "psst over here" and i freak out. unfortunatly glarthir got a fireball in the face in the mixup.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

Ever start the MQ and have friggin Baurus follow you to the far corners of the earth.... HEY WE NEED TO GO TO THE SEWER.... LIKE RIGHT NOW!!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 am

Is there more lore than meets the eye to Glarthir or is he just left as an uknonwn? There is that one comment that you hear about "I hear someone has it in for Toutious sixtius."

With a guy that loony, it just seems like there SHOULD be more to the backstory even if there isn't.

I think if there isn't more of a backstory we need to dream it up. I'm thinking Bethesda missed an opportunity here, and a whole DLC could've been based around Glarthir. Surely some of you guys can offer some imaginative details to fill in the gaps with these delusions of significance?
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:26 am

I'm not sure on a back-story on Glarthir specifically, but I found some indirectly related lore tidbits on the Marukhati Selective.

During the Paranoia quest, you can go into Glarhir's house and read some of the notes he writes. They're on a table somewhere in his basemant.
Making for a very potentially very interesting back-story to Glarthir. Makes you wonder if he actually had some seriously secret knowledge.
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:34 am

I'm not seeing the "indirect relation" between Glarthir the paranoid and the Marukhati Selective? Is that a speculation on what _could_ be a good kernel for a backstory? Or are you just paranoid?
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:34 am

Glarthir is awesome. He is the M'aiq the Liar of Wood Elves. Or the Big Head of Wood Elves.

Anyways, last time I did his quest, I wouldn't watch the people at all, but rather wait 24 hours for him to come back. I got all the money from telling him about the people, then murdered the first two. After that, I showed the note to the the Surilie Brothers (in order to have them kill Glarthir). Problem was, Glarthir was already back in his house, so they couldn't get to him. I then told a guard about Glarthir. The Guard runs up and waits outside with the Brothers. I unlocked the door, and all three ran in. Glarthir was killed, and the guard must have killed both of the Brothers while swinging his sword around. The quest then updated with the "I have killed ______ Surilie, and must collect my money from Glarthir behind the chapel message."

I thought to myself, "Was a double homicide and the death of three more men really worth it?"

Then I thought, "Yes, yes it was."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:52 am

Just today in fact... he tracked me outside to the vinyards, so I led him on a merry dance to the desolate mine, and he got killed by a Khajiit Bandit. Whoops :flamethrower:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:36 am

Ah yes, Marukhati Selectives! You gotta pay attention to those NPC dialogues to get these little juicy details.

Yes, it all makes sense now , , ,
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