Because our DM was a little silly when he said if we wanted to play a race outside of the DnD canon or edition, we went sort of crazy. We start off relatively normal, and then the rest of us decided to be crazy.
One of our guys is a Dwarven fighter. Another one's a thief of an as-yet-undetermined race. Another's a mage. Basic fare.
Then I decided I wanted to play AD&D as a Tiefling assassin. Aw hell yeah, that's more like it.
Then I persuaded someone else to pick something crazy. He decided he's going to be a Lawful Good Skaven Cleric. Yes, he picked a race from Warhammer Fantasy. Yes, he's playing it as lawful good. Yes, he's petitioning his god to heal people. Yes, I'm demented and yes I love it.
If the undecided players take our example... this is going to be the best game ever.
We haven't even started playing yet and this game session has already won forever.
So, for the rest of you roleplayers. Tell us your incredible stories.
BTW, I used the search bar, didn't find anything.