Any simple way to duplicate a worldspace?

Post » Fri May 31, 2013 6:40 pm

So I'm trying to make a (small) worldspace at the moment, and because it's exactly what I need, I figured I'd just take the basic terrain of, and adjust the clutter and trees to match what I need.

Except, as I'm sure you're all aware, duplicating a worldspace crashes the CK. I've seen threads about that before, so I was prepared for it. What I wasn't prepared for, was that exporting and then importing a world's heightmap seems to crashe the CK as well. So I'm kind of screwed.

So I was wondering, are there any non-buggy ways to create a copy of an existing worldspace, or better yet, has somebody already duplicated Bloated Man's Grotto (so I can merge the plugins)?

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Jon O
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