i found the magazine rack and the bobble head rack. i was wondering if there were a display gun case ect where i could have extra weapons put in my house?
i found the magazine rack and the bobble head rack. i was wondering if there were a display gun case ect where i could have extra weapons put in my house?
I've built a lot of things. Never came across a gun rack option. The only way I can see there being one in the game, is by collecting one of the magazines that adds rare, settlement building options. But it's definitely not in the basic building options.
Couldn't you make a Bureau; open the top doors, put your gun in, then close them to the same effect? Or build regular shelves and put them on there?
I do this with lunchboxes so weapons should work okay
Can't you put a Tool Board up on the wall and hang your weapons (or at least your favourites) on it? Like you see on the menu screen?
The problem with displaying guns, in build mode, is that every time you load to that place they end up sinking into the shelving. I truly am amazed Bethesda offered us no weapon displays or mannequins. I'm mean they were in Skyrim for goodness sake .
+1 to a craftable gun rack display!
I did manage to craft the big retail shelf item which I used to store two miniguns on. at first it was tenuous to place the guns on the shelf as its really tricky to get them to stay put. down side is that when you do finally get something in place, as soon as you leave and come back the item is back on floor.
Say you place a weapon on the ground and enter build mode...can you pick up a said weapon and rotate, or does it not give you that option?
Didn't stop me or millions of players from trying though.
I just so wanted it to work, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.
Yes you can and weapons will snap to surfaces but as I said earlier once you reload the area they will either be sinking or on the floor.