Any suggestion on repacling the male battlemage outfit in Sl

Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:03 pm

I'm using Slof's Robe Trader with FCOM but I find the Male Battlemage outfit unappealing. Any suggestion on some easy to replace it with, by just overriding it, or any easy way to remove it from the mod and everyone one its on?
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:09 pm

The simplest thing to do would be to create a quick Bash-mergeable patch to overwrite the records where her mod changed the inventory of battle mages and add something in its place. The patch would simply delete the outfit and add...steel ...oh, geez, I am tired. I forgot what the leg part of the armor is called. I think I need to call it a day. ...greaves...they're called greaves, wow...
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:45 pm

Another option is to use I personally prefer it over the later versions as I'm not much for some of the added outfits in them.
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Post » Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:24 pm

I don't know how familiar you are with creating patches, and I couldn't find any online guides. so I'll just describe it how I do it so you or someone else might pick up a thing or two (or point out any mistakes i do). I always change most of the outfits in the mage equipment v 2.1 mod and slofs robe trader (which is great by the way, but some choices with conjurers, mythic dawn agents and general mages was not to my taste)

1. Run Tes4Edit

2. Right click in the mod list you are presented and click on "select none"

3. Choose the mod you want to change and any other mod you want to use as a master to your patch ( If you want use the robes added by another mod. I for once often use the cyrodill upgrade resource pack.esm, CNRP or OOO as a source of some robes and armors)

4. Click ok and let the mods be loaded.

5. Click on the mod you want to override and expand the menu ( the plus sign right next to the mod name) and scroll down till you see the non- playable character sub-entry.

6. Right click the npc-entry and click on " deep override as"

7. In the menu you are presented with next: choose new file and then name your patch whatever you want.

8. In the left menu your patch should be present just below the mod you wanted to override. Right click your patch and choose "add masters”, a list of all loaded mods will now be available. Choose the mods you want as masters and click ok.

9. Click on your patch and then choose the npc you want to view. In the right menu a list should now appear that shows what mod edits a particular npc (but only for mods that had been loaded in the first place)

10. Find the npc whose inventory you want to change (a good idea might be to just click on the editor id tab in the left menu to sort everything alphabetically).

11. Click on it and scroll down in the right menu to the inventory sub-entry. On the far left column shows what changes your patch has made to the npc, which should be identical to the mod you want to change.

12. click on the inventory item you want to change (in the far left column), for example the slofs battlemage greaves, after a few seconds a drop-down menu will be available ( a small downwards arrow in the same row window your battle mage entry is present) choose the new item you want the npc to carry\equip. These items have their form id first and then the ingame name. Knowing the form id or the mod prefix beforehand can be helpful (se below).
If you have chosen other mods as masters, items from these will also now be available.

13. After you've done the changes you want, exit the program and save the file.

14. Load your patch directly below the mod want change and\ or not merge in the bashed patch (of course all masters must be loaded before your patch)

Mods often add a specfic prefix before their descriptive title of the item...cyrodill upgrade resource pack names all it's items with CUOxxx (CUOlightdeadricrobes), I think the prefix for slofs robe trader is asxxxx.
If you dont know the name of the item you want your npc to equip, but have seen it ingame you could use the form id finder mod to identify an item. All masters must be loaded before your patch)

This was written from memory, so please comment any mistakes if present

Edit: typos
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:00 am


Thanks for that guide. I might follow it myself. Basically, I think that Slof's and Najaknevrec's work differ so much that it's unfortunate to have them in the same mod. But at the same time I'd like to have the other optimizations etc. in the latest version so I guess the best solution is to edit it.
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Alexx Peace
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