I admit, I've always had problem with the Melee/Unarmed style of play. Having tried all combat skills so far, these are the only two I've had continual problems with. Creating the character is one thing - points into STR and END, level up accordingly and take the relevant perks when they become available. Takes a little planning, as do all specific character builds.
The main problem I've always had is regarding strategy. Specifically for a pure Melee/Unarmed character. Using Melee/Unarmed as a backup for ranged weapons, or in specific situations, that's fine. But having either skill as your main combat type has never worked out. Here's why...
Simply put, the Mojave has large expanses of wide open areas where cover is simply not available. Now, I realise that cover is only necessary when using ranged weapons (as you can fire, jump to cover, reload, and repeat) but closing the gap against a ranged attack often results in taking huge amounts of damage, even more so when there are multiple enemies all firing at you. Again, I'm only talking about fighting enemies carrying ranged weapons here. Two of the most effective human(oid) Melee/Unarmed fighters in the Mojave (in my opinion) are the Legion and the Ghost People, but even here there are extra factors that allow them to be so dangerous. The Legion, for example, fight in groups. And in those groups some Legionaries will always be carrying a ranged weapon, usually a Sniper Rifle, Brush Gun or Cowboy Repeater, in my experience. So its not a case of Legionaries fighting just with Melee/Unarmed and nothing else. And even it it were the case, at least they are fighting in numbers. The Ghost People, on the other hand, frequently fight alone. But make up for this with their incredible speed - the first time I encountered one in the Sierra Madre I was amazed at how quickly they closed the gap, completely cancelling out my ranged advantage. The Courier has neither of these advantages.
In contrast, exploring locations such as vaults, buildings and caves really allows Melee/Unarmed to shine, and probably even outperform ranged attacks, since you're always fighting in close quarters. But again, I'm talking about a pure Melee/Unarmed build; wasteland exploring included.
Crowd Control
This is the other problem I've faced, and it applies to both ranged and melee enemies - fighting large groups without the luxury of thinning their numbers at range before allowing them to close in. Even if we are talking geckos, or feral ghouls, being rushed and flanked at speed doesn't allow much room for manoeuvre (and I always hated Husks in ME2). When Cazadors or Deathclaws are concerned, I don't see how even the perfect build could deal with that. This is why I always complement my Guns/Energy Weapon build with some explosives, for specifically these situations.
Prove me wrong people, because I want to run a pure Legion playthrough before Skyrim. But I can't see how a pure build can work in all situations. A combination of guns outside and Melee/Unarmed inside, sure, I can see how that would work. But to me, I have always seen Melee/Unarmed as a backup to Guns/EW.
Some very good points here. My suggestions for a melee character to improve on these weaknesses are:
- unless it really goes against your legion roleplaying,
Implant GRX allows you to very quickly close the gap between you and your foes and means you take far less damage in the process. I feel it's quite cheap to use it when you're in close quarters, but for the closedown you can justify it by imagining your character is faster than ordinary NPCs because of his dedication to the melee art. When you look at it, many melee specializing enemies are significantly faster than ordinary NPCs - Legate Lanius, Driver Nephi, Ghost People and Deathclaws as cases in point. If they get this advantage, why don't you? Because the clunky Gamebryo engine doesn't allow you to?
- get
Super Slam and use a 2 handed Melee weapon. This is paramount. With a 2 handed weapon such as the Blade of the West, you have a 30% chance to knock down an enemy with every swing, while retaining its inherent Knockdown on Crit effect (as well as its 1.5x crit multiplier). You'll effectively be knocking enemies down every other swing, which goes a massive way to help against crowds. Get the typical crit boosting perks such as Finesse, Better Criticals, Elijah's Ramblings, and either Just Lucky I'm Alive to further increase crit damage or Ain't Like That Now to make you swing 20% faster.
- level up Unarmed alongside Melee. Some incredible perks that will make you a Melee titan can only be accessed by having high Unarmed too. Slayer is excellent as it effectively increases your damage output by 30%, as well meaning you can keep your enemies down almost all the time, and Piercing Strike makes taking on armored foes such as Deathclaws a far more manageable task (especially in combo with Purifier). Slayer + Melee Hacker speed challenge perk + Ain't Like That Now is just ridiculous, since you'll be attacking 3.5x a second with a Blade of the West!
- use Throwing Spears alongside Heave Ho!, Piercing Strike, and Better Criticals (and some poison for very tough enemies!) from stealth and you can thin the ranks before busting out your skull-smasher and finishing the fight off. Throwing Spears are common and ridiculously deadly if you invest in them.
Most of this is from personal experience so hope it's helpful!