-Mr. Burke is undoubtedly Lucien Lechance's reincarnation.. Lucien Lechance is a character from TES IV: Oblivion. 'Listener of the Dark Brotherhood'. Basically recruiter for the Assassins Guild. He tries to sweet-talk you into doing some pretty nasty stuff. (Get your minds out of the gutter, I know what you're thinking
-Three Dog reminds me of Chris Tucker; has nothing to say but won't shut-up.
-Moira Brown reminds me of one of my aunts.
-Moriarty reminds me of Sheogorath from Shivering Isles expansion of Oblivion.
-Colonel Autumn reminds me of Pistolero. :shrug:
-Doctor Li reminds me of my gynecologist when I was born. (She was Asian too)
-Eulogy Jones reminds me of Hugh Hefner
-Jericho reminds me of Adam Baldwin's character in the show Firefly
-Ted Strayer reminds me of James Franco's character in Pineapple Express
-Ghouls remind me of the zombies in L4D
If I remember anymore, I'll edit it into this.