Hi! I'm running MWSE (which I assume changes the .ini) as well as . . .
Hmmm, nevermind. It appears as though my MW.ini is missing and all my mods have been unclicked and I can't open wyremash. Does anyone have an address for the MSWE version of the MW.ini or should I grab the .ini from my CD and "start over"?
MWSE does not change the .ini. If you use Wrye Mash, it will make backups of your .ini with a .bak and .baf extention. You can also get the original .ini from Yacoby's site. I suggest you follow the advice there and back it up next time. I also suggest keeping a backup of your modified .ini.
If you cannot open Wryemash, the first thing to do is to use your MW launcher and uncheck all of your mods. If, as you have said, "they are all unclicked" means they are already not checked there, and getting the morrowind.ini from the link posted by Arsuru doesn't work, then you may need to reinstall Morrowind (and Expansion packs/third party programs).