After seeing the DLC trailer, I thought maybe I'd give NV another chance, so I'm hoping you guys could give me some tips to enjoy the game a little more.
*(Spoilers)* On my first playthrough, I played a standard gun character with hardcoe mode on, but it wasn't so fun, since I started finding melee weapons to be a little more useful later in the game. I helped Mr. House finish take over the Hoover Dam. I stared out helping out the NCR, but i had to stop helping them halfway through. *(Spoilers)*
Anyways, I was hoping you guys could give some tips to make the game a little more enjoyable on my second playthrough? Any types of character builds that would be fun? As I already mentioned, I finished the main quest helping one faction. how may other factions can i help? I'm assuming the NCR and Legion. Any other factions that would be enjoyable to play with?
Also, I'm thinking of using the Wild Wasteland Perk. What does that do exactly? Don't spoil too much.