If not .. I think we should get one. Pretty please?
We got enough lines and animations with the male protagonist but I know I'll be creating a female char as always and I'm very curious about how will her voice work in game.
If not .. I think we should get one. Pretty please?
We got enough lines and animations with the male protagonist but I know I'll be creating a female char as always and I'm very curious about how will her voice work in game.
Ditto but I wouldn't hold my breath. All the Skyrim stuff was their poster child Iron armor warrior guy.
I'm actually all for this. Give us some footage of just how badass a woman in the wasteland can be.
I would like to see some gameplay with Courtney's (female lead) take on the same scenes we have seen already to show some contrast.
LOL, http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-marines-women-20150912-story.html. I'm good.
Edit: Before any sjws get their panties in a bunch it was in jest. I don't really care how Zenimax spends their money on advertisemant.
I doubt it. Outside of Bioware's ME3 / DA:I trailers (after much internet rabblerousing about "but where's the female version?!?!"), I don't think I've seen anything like that from any company. Marketing folk tend to pick one singular version of a character, and make all the trailers that way. As with the "Wanderer" trailer, it's a Regular Folk thing - no need to confuse the mass audience with "Huh, but that other trailer showed a different guy. Who's the main character, anyway?"
Of course, most games with big marketing (posters, TV ads, etc) have a scripted/set main character anyway.
edit: and yeah, I've never played the default character shown in promo materials, and generally play female. But I don't feel slighted that the ads all feature Boring ManShep, or Dohvakiin Dude, or whoever.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if they do one, it took until Mass Effect 3 to get a FemShep trailer/box cover.
This is a good point. I'm holding out hope that the spouce that isn't chosen as the player character appears in some form throughout the course of the game.
I don't think it's about "inclusiveness" but at least for me, I plan on making my first character a female - so naturally I'm more curious to see what that looks like in-game than the male PC. Pretty simple.
Ohh please, we all know you just want to see dat booty.
This is true but at the same time I feel like Bethesda can be awesome like that and do what it took EA so much time. I get that the masses require a generic exclusive protagonist, but this could be something for the fans. Am I right?
And yes, Manshep svcks, I tried playing him but Jennifer Hale >>> that guy. Hehehe.
All these ads have been made months in advance and there is seriously zero chance any were made with Nora instead of the SS.
Honestly. I'd rather in-game footage than a full blown trailer. Footage of the female SS would give people that are curious an idea without confusing the masses.
Would be nice I admit. More than anything I want to see how the vault suit looks on her.
This is true for me, I always make my first char a female and I do think that a marketing including a female protagonist would help to attract other female players. I only make a guy when the female char creation is a failure... like asian mmos, lol.
A female PC trailer would be great... maybe with some good backround music https://youtu.be/dq-roBe71LI
I dont care about cinematics, that is mostly just for fluff and marketing. Like the Wanderer trailer.
I would like to see some footage of the female protagonist, not much, maybe the same things we've seen from the male protagonist. I'd just like to hear some more of the voice acting of the female protagonist.
I don't want a live-action of the female protagonist, because let's face it: It ain't gonna give us much insight into the voice actor. I would love a little gameplay or at least some dialogue from her though. Even if it's the same footage we've seen from the male protagonist, but with the female protagonist instead.
I never play as a female protagonist, because I just find it difficult to RP a different six, but the whole "inclusiveness" thing aside, it's nice to see what kind of material Courtney is going to be bringing to the table.